Nellie Olsen was a whore.
And really what can you expect with Nells being a homo.
Oh, You know you were all thinking it so don’t even.
Now why do I feel that I just crossed an imaginary line here? Oh well, as long as I’m here…
When I was younger, Charles Ingalls was my first crush. Until I fell in love with Scott Baio that is. Never did find out why he didn’t show up for the wedding.
But before all the jilted anger, plowing and farming in Walnut Grove was where it was at for me. Small town, five families (un-mafia related) who wore the same clothes every day and came to your rescue whenever you needed. You married old man Tucker at thirteen and lived happily ever after wearing lemon verbena perfume.
I didn’t go for the Walton Boy. Couldn’t get past the whole mole thing.
Back in the day, I would have traded today’s technology for Walnut Grove in a pre-antibiotic heartbeat. Well what the hell did I know?
I wonder if that show were to air fresh today, would it have the same affect on this generation as it had on ours. My hope is that it would but my reality antennas tell me that it would be flipped faster than a non-reality pancake.
I mean really. How could such quality T.V. possibly hold up to today’s display of….such wonderful shows as….um…like…you know the one where…..
Remember when we were awed by the special effects of the original Star Wars or Trek?
We were so easy.
There are some days when I still pine for Charles (Ingalls or In Charge). And will admit that if I do come across a re-run, I will slam the remote down in fierce decision and watch it like it just came out yesterday.
So you may now be able to guess my age by this post but you know what? I’m not worried.
‘Cause you’ll never guess my weight! They can’t right?.... Shut up, they’ll hear you!
LOLing all over my chair, reading this.
I used to have a fantasy about living on a farm, like the Waltons, or in the prairie like the Ingalls. I actually fantasized about being POOR and having to hand-craft things and be seen as ingenious and industrious and a good cook.
I'm not sure but I don't think our kids' generation has that same fantasy. I'm not sure anyone in MY generation had that fantasy, other than me.
I grew up watching and loving the same shows. I always say I was so blessed to be born when I was, grow up when I did and, with any luck, I'll get off the planet before the whole thing turns to shit. Kids today looks their innocent qualities so early. It's sad.
OMG! We HAVE to be the same age... or very close! I never missed a Little House and Charles In Charge... I still have a fantasy or two about him being my babysitter! lol!
Just making rounds and visiting my followers. Love your blog!
You had me at, "Nellie Olsen was a whore.." it's like, you can see inside my mind or something.
You, Mrs., are one funny chick.
Came by to wish you a good Halloween weekend.
Just stopping by to say hello, saw your comment today. Loved the post ;)
So funny! I too loved Little House! Ahh, simpler times!
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Man or should I say Manly, did this bring back memories.
Great post. I enjoy reading your blog! I have an award for you. It can be picked up here:
Have a great week!!!
Ohh so with you on the Waltons thing. It always seemed to be the longest programme on the planet and they always seemed to be so worthy and good. (Not that I would have any idea what worthy would have meant, then.)
I also have to admit to the Scott Baio crush.
We're totally the same age. And I'm still awed by the Star Trek special effects -- but it's now more for how utterly quaint they now seem.
Glad to find your blog. Thanks for visiting fourjugs.
i loved little house, but not that i think about it, i was hooked for sure, but it was freakin sad... remember albert gettin hooked on morphine.. ooooh that freaked me bad.
i rented land of the lost OS for my kids and WOW there were no words for the special "ed" effects on that show.
yup kids are jaded, as are we now, my expectations are ridic..
Nellie was a bitch, and a whore, but I'd have take Willie Olsen for a spin. Albert was almost cute, but he had that bizarre upper lip that made him look like a chicken. Of course, there's always Almanzo, but Manly wasn't really my taste- I've never had a thing for blonde men.
My brother and I used to get in screaming matches and slap fights over whether we were going to watch LHOTP or The White Shadow. Yeah, I would say I lived and dies for Walnut Grove for most of my childhood.
Charles Ingalls was my "dad" for the entire run of LHOP, I grew up without one, but if I could have hand-picked one, Pa would have been my dream father. His warmth and laughter as well as his lessons for the girls when they got into trouble really helped me in weird ways..I listened to what he had to say...yeah, I was a weird kid.
When he died in real life, I was inconsolable. He was the closest thing to a dad I had growing up...
anyway--thanks for commenting on my blog and following me :) I'll do the same for you..you're really hilarious from what I've read so far :)
Nellie Olson was a whore....really?????? Oh No.
I found you through Java's Over 40 Bloggers.
Always fun to meet and learn from new people.
ok, back to your post. I loved Little House on the Prarie. Loved the Waltons.....although I did not have a crush on John Boy. Loved Bonanza....maybe it is the whole Michael Landon thing.
I kinda miss those old tv shows. Guess ...like you...that ages me.
and like you.......You'll never guess my weight. Even I don't know. DO YOU THINK I'D ACTUALLY STAND ON A SCALE.
Yea, I am with you. Almanzo was kinda dumb so I didn't like him really. I really liked Adam and he got his sight back which was cool. I've seen EVREY SINGLE episode...and had a video tape of the Final Farewell...which my little brother ruined.
ok, I was Laura Ingalls for Halloween one year. 'nuff said!
I was a Little House junkie! But yes, how could it possibly compete with the depth of say ... the Kardashians? And I remember sending Scott Baio a letter declaring my undying love. I even sprayed it with Love's Baby Soft. The rejection still stings. Sniff.
Like Melinda above, I was Little House junkie too! It's one of the few shows the family could find to watch together on our teeny tiny TV that had dials and sat on a cart with wheels. Looking back, it was like something out of the high school A/V department, but smaller. Sheesh! Yeah, Star Trek was so awe inspiring back then. And I'm totally with ya on the Walton boy. His mole completely creeped me out! You are absolutely hilarious. Glad I came by rather than tackling the gargantuan pile of paperwork on my right, or the megalithic pile of laundry on my left! Jenn
I was in love with Almonzo. That was my very favorite show and I read all the books. And Nelly was totally a whore.
I was so in love with Little House on the Prairie, both the books and tv show. I was such a loser as a kid. I remember dressing up as Laura one year for Halloween with a long calico skirt and braids made out of yarn. Ugh, I'm cringing at the memory. Forget I brought it up...
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