“So how do you know these blog people are real?” my girlfriend asks while flipping the TV channels.
“Real as in how? Like breathing real or word verification real?”
“What if they are lying?”
“Lying about what?”
“What if it’s a trap? You know like an internet scam.”
Mmmmkay. I’m sure every blogger out there wants my three dollars in the bank.
“There’s really no need to lie on a blog. That kind of defeats the whole purpose. They wouldn’t do that.”
“You’re talking about these people like they are real. What’s the matter with you?”
Other than the usual?
“They are real and they are friends.”
“I think you are getting a little carried away with this whole thing. You don’t know who you’re dealing with out there and it could be dangerous”
Is this the same girl who went back with a cheating boyfriend three times? What’s more dangerous than catching crabs?
“There’s really nothing to worry about but I’ll be careful. Don’t worry”
We both turned to look at the television determined to leave it at that.
A few seconds pass.
“Soooo….” She whispers while looking down and toying with the remote “Do they think you’re like…normal?”
“Hell No!” I laugh.
She giggled “And they still come visit you huh?”
“Yup. Just like you pal…just like you”
A good friend that blog-non-understander-hater. (-:
Stopping by from Friday Follow. You are a great writer I have enjoyed reading a couple of your posts. Keep it up!
Ah, friends. They just don't get it. Until they start doing it, too! :)
Urgh! Seriously...get blogging and find out.
Of course we're normal, Well sorta kinda in our own odd twisted kinda way.
Oh no, our cover's blown!!
Personally, I don't enjoy reading the blogs of normal people. :)
Hilarious - your line about what can be more dangerous than returning to a lying cheating crabs carrying boyfriend made me LOL.
She sounds just like my husband who is filled with dire warnings about the internet and blogging world, only I am hoping he does not have crabs :-)
bwahaha. I just read an article warning that bloggers are two dimensional and flat and any friendship you make is likely in your mind. I don't agree with that, but I have to admit that I don't talk about my blog friends with my irl life ones. They just don't get it. I think I'm more honest on blog than anywhere else. I want half the people I've made friends with through blogging to move into my neighborhood. Wow, I am serious this morning. Guess you touched a nerve.
Some people do lie and get everyone all riled up. Sigh, I don't understand that.
btw, I LOVE the painting with this post. :)
I think it's odd that people question a blogger about the truthfulness and REALness of other bloggers. Don't they get that *I* am a blogger, *I* am honest and *I* am real. So it's actually offensive to ask a blogger about her bloggy friends in such a manner.
I like you, I really like you, my weird bloggy friend, Mrs. Blogalot!
If I EVER find out that any of my blog friends are normal I'm going to kill myself.
ROFLMAO Weirdness rules!
No, some people just don't get it! I want all to live in the same neighborhood as a lot of my blog friends too! Of course, we'd probably not see much of each other, because...we're blogging.
Hi. Nice to meet you from Friday Follow. That is a funny conversation!
I look forward to reading more.
LOL! Blogging always seems so strange to people who haven't yet been sucked in:)
If we were normal, we'd have nothing to blog about! I'm certain I'm real though. Sometimes I wish I was imaginary.
There really is no need to lie on a blog. But there are some whack jobs out there that are just whack jobs. In real life and in bloggie land.
My husband is totally blog skeptical. All of the uproar about facebook breaking up marriages has put him on the alert. As long as i don't speak to any males and spend reasonable amounts of time he's pretty cool but always worries. I don't think people understand that blogging isn't like eHarmony, the people are more real and there's a lot less hooking up.
oh my gosh! My IRL BFF is sooo like that!!! Yet, she has no problem hooking up with every dude she meets online!!! uh-huh...who's the weirdo, now?
That's funny. My mom is the same way. I found out that one of my blog friends lives close by and we've decided to meet in person. My mom is all "I'm going with you. It could be dangerous. You never know about peopl." I'm thinking of taking her with me just to prove her wrong.
You tell your friend that I just pinched myself and it hurt. That proves that I'm real. So there! Now can I have your $3. I'll wire you $500,000 in exchange for $3. Doesn't that sound like a good deal?
I'm actually a Cambodian arm wrestler that collects glitter encrusted skunk tails. Don't tell, ok?
Pshaw....I think she's been talking with hubs. He's bound and determined to convince me that non of 'you people' really give a hoot about me and aren't 'really' friends.
I had a friend ask me in reference to my readers, "they know you're crazy, right?" Yep, I'm pretty sure they do. ;)
this is my first time in your blog and really like the way you write, for me is very important authenticity in people, I don't like when people is fake and portrait things that they are not.
Thoughts of a Career woman
Now wait a minute, if I want to lie on my blog, can't you just humor me??? Isn't that what people do when we speak face-to-face anyway :-)?
Whatever you do, don't tell her the dirty truth about e-mail. Especially those grow-your-penis messages.
(Been enjoying your comments on Bloggin 2 Noggin; about time I commented here.)
I've just started blogging and have come across a few haters too. You're right though, once they catch the bug, they'll figure it out.
bah! those that don't blog really don't get it! my sister always thinks i am crazy when i talk about blogs and blog friends. WHATEVER!
have a fab weekend!
I wish I wasn't "real" sometimes, like when the bills need to be paid.
My "real" friends are starting to get it but it has taken a while.
I want your 3 dollars! See? She was right. ;P
I just pinched myself, so I'm real. Should the $3 check be made out to the Soupy Sales Foundation for Sticky Finger Kids?
If you were normal I probably wouldn't visit :)
Normal's boooorrrrinng. I won't take your 3 bucks, but you got any good shoes?
My family feels the same way. They think all my bloggy friends are really obese male perverts just pretending to be mommy bloggers.
If they are, they sure are fun. So, whatev.
Explaining blogging to a non blogger must be almost as impossible as explaining sunset to a blind person! They are just not gonna get it!
Loved your post as usual, your majesty! :)
How could anyone NOT be following some blogs?
Now, who's the weirdies, huh?
I wish I wasn't real sometimes, too. WOuldn't that be awesome?!?!My non-blogging peeps and family don't really get it. I, on the other hand, feel like it takes a special fun, smart person to blog. Right?
I'm real! I'm a real girl! What does she want, that we should send the tip of one of our fingers?
Hi! I'm your newest follower! I would love for you to follow me back at http://chubbycheeksthinks.blogspot.com
Damn our secret is out! Because you know....we all want that three dollars of yours!!!
"And they still come back"....hahah I love that!
Oh, I forgot to mention. A friend's brother likes to refer to her online friends as her "imaginary friends."
People either get it or they don't. And the ones that don't make me laugh. I get a lot of "The internet is a scary place. How can you feel so comfortable communicating with complete strangers?"
Same $h**, different day.
It makes for great blog fodder though, eh?
Hi there! Happy FF!
Have a Great Weekend!
Bridgette Groschen
Groschen Goblins
Wait, you all have real life friends?
Just wanted to let you know I'm following you from the FFF on MBC. My blog is http://www.healthylifejourney.com/ if you want to check it out.
Love that art piece you chose...Gorgeous..!! and I love that you're not normal..I really don't like normal...hell I dont even know normal...I think its so funny she thought we(bloggers) would be lying...lolol.or that there is DANGER...LMAO.....Lying..
now that's what normal people do..I think...Haaaa..!BTW..how did she know you had a blog..you didnt tell her ..did you..??..the other day my daughter slipped to my friend that I was blogging..she looked at me and I just shrugged it off..you can sometimes play it off as Facebooking...for non bloggers.. they kind of meld them (social media)altogether..it worked... she never brought it up again...
I know that I'm real, and I also know you are real. We blog, therefore we AM. Now that said, I have a quite a few people who have no idea why I would do this. I think I giggle with glee at every comment left on one of my pieces. I celebrate every "follower". I get a thrill out of it all, and if that's not normal, sorry. Normal is over-rated anyway. Plus, I'm too damned old to fall prey to a child molester.
When I first started blogging I got that all the time. Now nobody questions whether my blog friends are real or not because I'll cut them.
See? They know I'm not crazy.
It's hard for normal people to understnad!!
LOL that's funny! I'm definitely real... not sure how I would scam you anyhow!!
I have something for you over at my place. ;)
YAY!! I'm real!! I'm REAL!!
Real WHAT is the argument, though.
We are real and we can confirm this as soon as you send us your full name, address, gender, social insurance number, bank account number and personal password.
Oh so funny!
And some people are total fakes. They have to be. But I'm not handing out my address or anything.
Got to agree about non-bloggin-folks tho (biggest example is my husband)...they just don't get it.
I'm sure there has to be at least a few people out there that are great big fakers, but I like to think that everyone that I read is a real person.
I know I'm just as much of a nutcase in real life as I come across on my blog. :) Non-bloggers definitely don't get it though.
Just watch...in another few months she'll be asking you to help her set one up.
Too funny! You just don't get it until you start blogging. But are we normal? Definitely not. Normal people probably don't air their dirty laundry in public. But they totally should. The world's a much better place when we can laugh at ourselves together.
Stopping by from SITS.
Yes, it is a strange but fantastic group. Sort of like family, except you don't have to buy them christmas presents or consider their feelings when you plan your summer vacations...
I get the same thing all the time... especially when I refer to "my friend, the one whose blog I follow"
Just because we've never met doesn't mean we aren't friends.... :)
I am a figment of your imagination . . .
I hope I am real. They don't get it which is why I tell people that I am the queen of Prussia.
I have no idea why I said that.
I had a similar conversation with a friend today; luckily she thought it "cool" that I was a blogger. Of course, I've never told her the name of the blog and probably never will :D
she's probably googling madly as I type this...or not.
Sounds like my hubby. I'll show him the house someone has and he'll say...do you KNOW that is their house??? Or...do you know they really...etc. Ya know, we really don't. So what the heck are we doin' here??? Heeehehehe!
You have yourself a glorious day, I've got to go polish all the gold in my mansion. :o)
Normal is so over rated...right! Following you now through Follow Me Back Tuesday Meme!
We're all real and we're all safe as long as we remain on this side of your monitor!
"Normal"? It's all relative. Wait. Not relative as in Crazy Aunt Irma, but you know...relative.
Non bloggers just don't get it!
Already following your fab blog but wanted to thank you so much for linking up to Follow Me Back Tuesday! XO
Oh love you are sooooo not even close to normal. If you were, I wouldn't love you!
Just in case you were wondering, I want your 3 dollars. And I'm full of Sh*T most of the time. But I am real. Or I could be a figment of your imagination. Or both.
BTW my husband thinks I am psychotic when I try to tell him about my bloggy friends and the funny things they say and do. He acts like I'm reporting the details of a reality TV show that is clearly made up and full of fake drama.
Oh well. That's what makes the blog world even better as far as I'm concerned. It's a secret world that Other People in the Real World just don't understand. We don't need them anyway, right?
They just don't get it do they? I used to start out conversations with " So the other day my bloggy friend said...." Now I just leave it at "My friend told me that..." It's just easier for those non-understanders.
HA! Last time I checked I was real. Love your blog and your writing style. Following you from From Tag Along Tuesdays.
With realness, http://tvstake.blogspot.com
Normal is boring. Just sayin. LOVE YOUR WHITE CHICK CRACKER ASS. I said it.
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