I have a secret.
No, not that one…
I have a Secret…. Magic word.
A very dangerous secret magic word.
Listen closely as you are about to be astounded and mystified by the sheer awesome power of the magic word.
Guaranteed to render you speechless!
It is so mighty in fact, that you might not ever want to say it again for fear of all its’ spellbinding repercussions.
Mothers hold on to your children….
Here goes….
The magic word is……..
It’s okay. Don’t be afraid...
It won’t hurt you.
For your protection, this secret word does have limitations and must be used wisely.
Not everyone is susceptible.
Some are actually immune to its power.
But some ….
Yes some are simply held powerless against it.
For those easily spellbound, once this word is cast, their ability to allow anyone else’s words to penetrate their lengthy monologue becomes magically impossible.
Completely entranced, the possessed-demon talker can only be silenced by uttering the name of Hello’s arch nemesis….
Yes my friends, it’s scary to be in possession of such a lethal weapon.
So now that you know, be very careful on whom you choose to cast this magical word upon.
Use your power wisely.
There are just so many hours in the day right? (-:
That is just the cutest little post! I must admit that I've said hello to the wrong people before!
You're right! As per usual.
Hello is a powerful word. And I too have sad hello to the wrong people. The problem with Goodbye is that it's hard to utter when the spellbound chatterbox doesn't even take a breath!
Yep, yep and yep. If you say hello to the wrong people, usually a Space Invader, you cannot get rid of them.
Cute. I must admit I am guarded with my hello's so that I don't have to pull out too many good-byes.
Ah, geez! Now you got Lionel Richie stuck in my head!
This is a big lesson for children, the biggest maybe!
Reason number 234 I enjoy being a hermit
Hello, indeed!! ;)
Also don't be afraid to use the phrase, "I'm sorry but I can't hear you!" If necessary follow up with, "the voices in my head are too loud."
I'm actually afraid to say hello to most people for fear that they'll take that as an invitation to speak to me.
Hey There, come get your award....!!
this confuses the shit out of me
I've got the Beatles song in my head.
Very dangerous when said on an airplane about to fly across the country.
Must also use with caution when encountering senior citizens at the store.
Well helllllllo.
Hello, Hello! Yes, very scary. Be very careful of adding "How are you?"
I am too nervous to say hello too often! Need to work on that!
Never ask "How are you?" unless you have a lot of time on your hands. For that matter don't ask me how I am doing or you'll never get anything done.
And thanks, now I have Lionel Ritchie in my head too.
That's why I just flip people the bird whether I'm coming or going.
SO much easier.
Remember that Lionel Richie song, "Hello?" That's what popped into my mind while reading your post. And now I can't get it out. Hahahaha! Great post. You are such an awesome writer!
Bravo! Great post with nice twist at the end. Hello's arch enemy, Good bye. Hilarious.
yes, it is quite a secret. i'm finding more and more that people are astounded when i use it and don't know what to do. and i live in the south...geez.
You had me at HELLO!
I prefer Hello's cousin, Hola!
Wonderful, delightful post!
My magical word(s) ... "I'm sorry, I can't care about that."
You are so funny! Those are very magical words.
Wow. Lionel Richie flashbacks. Plus April Wine visions (Canadian rock band, 70s 80s). So baaad music aside, good post! We all, or at least me, tend to scurry thru the day with head down. Which sometimes is good - I hate walking thru the supermakret and having every jerkwad who works there saying hello because is the script they have to say, really people, say it if is sincere, otherwise, c'mon, if its fake it sounds fake...
So funny! So why not submit this to my round up this week? Huh? Huh?? why not?
For the record, I'd say hello and even ask "how are you?" to you. I'd love to be stuck next to you on a long plane ride. lol.
I bow to your awesomeness....."hello".
Best to go with a wave next time, miss. Haha.
Oh, and I have somethin' on my blog that awaits you.
Damn - that's my problem - overuse of HELLO, under usage of GOODBYE.
I avoid saying hello. I also avoid leaving my house. I also avoid sunlight.
Too many weirdos out there.
Love it! ;)
I would have loved to use 'Hello' on this weird guy sitting net to me on the airplane... If only because his entire body language was screaming 'Goodbye'!! LOL
hello?!?!? HELLO!
I love using Hello...when Im talking to someone and there not paying attention..so Im like..."heeelllooo, anyone in there"..while knocking on forehead..usually hubs during football game..or kids of course..otherwise Ive stopped saying it in public If I don't absolutely have to..I know..I'm rude in old age..Oh ..I do say ..Hello There!..to the hot guy at the bank..
I'm just going to start conversations with GOODBYE.
Tru dat!
By the way, I guess the TONE when you say the magic words also matters because I have perfected the saying of "HE-LLLOOOOO?!" with raised eye brows and disdain in my voice to convey my displeasure and disbelief. But I guess that's NOT what you are referring to here...
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