“You have a what?” my girlfriend stops mid-chew to ask.
“A blog”
“A blog?” She inquires once again as if I’d just taken out my Spok ears and Light Saber.
“Yes. A blog”
Note to self: Water spillage is great for awkward silences.
“What exactly do you do with a blog?”
“Write stuff”
“What kind of stuff?”
“You know…just stuff”
“And people read it?”
“Well yeah, that’s kinda the point”
“Do you get paid for it?”
“Uh, no”
“And do you like…do it all the time?”
“Uh, yeah”
Clank. Scrape. Clank. Chew.
More water. What a Klutz.
“I don’t get it” she announced “You do it all the time and you don’t get paid for it? What’s the point?”
“I don’t get paid for sex either but I still do it”
Point digested.
“So…..have you ever…er….you know… written about me?”
Clank.Clank. Chew. Chew.
No water.
“Not yet”
We all carry that smile and a hidden camera.
Love it. My Father asked me why I would have an "online diary." Nice.
So I can write about you Pops...so I can write about you. LOL.
PS Happy Saturday ShareFest
Ha ha! Love it... Not yet! There are some things I've WANTED to write about - but I knew I might get discovered. Some folks know about my blog but I purposely don't let my f/b pals see it.
Bwah hah hah HAH. I LOVE IT!!!
Too funny! SITS sent me by this morning, and I'm glad they did...
Moonscape Melting; More on the Way?
Not yet...Huh..! thats what I would tell everyone....Great Post..I think of that often, since no one I know in real life (except immediate family) has access to mine...I may let one friend in on it though..Im still debating...
Clank Clank Chew Chew...LOL
This is funny. No one in real life knows about my blog either and I suspect alot of them would ask the very same questions!
That is why I don't tell people about mine. Um, and so I can write about them. LOL
Fantastic. There are people who get it and people who don't. My husband isn't allowed to get it, therefore, I hide my blog stuff a lil bit :p
Love it!
I've never been asked WHY I have a blog. hmm
Hi! I'm over from SITS and I like what I see, Mamma! Gawd, I get it all the time. I don't know if it's my age. I'm a tad bit older than the average young Mommy blogger. I was jealous of Marcia Brady when Davy Jones kissed her cheek, so that'll tell you somethin'. But, I do think my generation isn't as plugged in to the social online era of things and I can't tell you how many people just. don't. get. it.
There are some that do and are gracious as can be, but others? I had a dude say to me at a Superbowl party last week, "I'd like to compliment you on your blog . . . but I can't, because I don't read it. But, what I would like to compliment you on is . . . your dogs." My dogs? I have 2 new puppies but I didn't create them or birth them so WTF?
Sooo, anyway. I'm going to go root around your blog now and enjoy myself. Happy SITS Saturday!
Most of my friends and family leave my blog scratching their heads. (sigh)
Oh, stop by The Screaming Me-Me for some really bid news!!!
Have a nice weekend. :-)
Oops, I meant BIG....big news.
Many of my friends read my blog regularly. The ones I *thought* would be interested and my biggest fans -- my family (extended) -- rarely, if ever, stop by. Except for my Mom, who's probably my biggest fan ... and the one that keeps me from writing some of the things I REALLY want to write since it'd be unflattering to her. Okay, downright mean and hateful ... but honest.
This is why I don't tell anyone I know that I blog. I told my best friend about it when I started, but I changed the url over a year ago, and she never asked for it, so I don't think she was reading, so I just don't talk about it.
Mwahahahaha I like the part about not getting paid for sex mwahahahaha
I'm thinking that if I WRITE about my memories from long ago that then people won't think I have Alzheimer's, since when you're up in years and talk about things you did when you were a kid (and then can't remember where you put your keys 5 minutes ago) people immediately go, "Oh sad, she's getting Alzheimer's." I mean, maybe I am, but I'm taking everybody along with me, he he he.
I think there's WAY more money in sex.
Found you through FFF on MB :)
Ha! If we could only get paid for sex . . . oh that's right. We can! Put on the hooker heels, fishnets, and stock up on condoms.
My very own mother told me that reading my blog is how she finds out what's going on in my life. I would have thought picking up the phone and calling me would work just as well but what do I know.
LOL , that is funny! I got into trouble once writing about my bff but I didn't mention her name or anything and she was all pissed off at me and I was like dude get a sense of humor it is called overexaggeration/fiction/drama/some truth in there.. dude we got in a huge fight over this shyt.. i said fine dont do anything interesting ever I may want to write about it... deal! geez
People always look at me like Ive sprouted wings when I say I have a blog!
It's a little disappointing when someone who seems to like us in real life isn't interested in joining our blog conversation. But I have to remember that until I started blogging I was (yes, I confess) a little cynical about blogs. So I don't mention mine very often, either.
I had business cards printed up with my blog logo and address as well as the e-mail I use for all writing projects. People seem impressed with business cards, no matter what they're for. who knew?
Hahahahahaha...some people just don't get it.
My friends and family always say...you aren't gonna put this on your blog are you?
If you have to ask...the answer is YES! :D
It's the same with me! I mentioned it once about a year ago to my sister but I don't bother anymore. I'd rather just write w/o family reading. Besides, what's the fun having them as blog fodder if you can't write about them? LOL
Yes. *sigh*
This is exactly why I don't tell people. She could have at least Faked politeness, no?
People don't get paid for writing in their diaries either, right? Although they don't usually share their diaries with a large audience . . .
Glad you're blogging though!
that's awesome...not yet....makes me laugh. Mostly because one of my coworker CONSTANTLY asks me if I've blogged about my ideals lately. Little does the fucker know HE often becomes blog fodder! Evidently his only point of reference for blogging is that damned Twix commercial...
now I want chocolate....
That's hysterical! I have had that conversation before...I feel like only other bloggers understand me sometimes. Like I am in some secret world...just need a cool handshake to match. However, I never thought about telling anyone that I have sex without payment...that's good. Too bad, huh? I mean if not for the moral implications, the 6 inch heels and walking the streets...I'd love to get paid for sex..I mean talk about loving your work! Okay...I'm jacked up on Nyquil, I better go!
IRL people just don't get it. I have a few that read my blog and whenever I ask them for feedback they are no help at all. They always love the posts that other bloggers were lukewarm towards and vice versa. *sigh*
I'm thinking about scrapping this blog and starting a new one that is completely anon and a secret to the real world.
Oh - that's funny!
My favourite saying is "Thats one for the blog!". I always have my wee blog in mind when I'm doing something or feel the need to share something or something funny happens to me.
Thanks for your visit! Now I'm here and happy about it!
Most of my friends don't blog but are active on FB which is not my thing at all...
I'll be back! :)
Sunny SITS greetings from Cairo!
wonderful!!! thanks for stopping by my blog
Blog fodder. All my friends know about mine now and no one wants to tell me any juicy tidbits any more for fear I will out them in my blog. Except for a few people. Like my friend Angelica who came up to me the other day and asked me in a low, sultry voice, "Have I shown you my vagina yet?"
"Um ... WHAT?!!" I responded.
Turned out it was a Georgia O'Keefe flower/vagina painting.
I told her immediately that I was using her as blog fodder. It was her own fault for setting herself up right?
None of my friends and family know about mine and I like it that way!! LOL!
I have not told a lot of my real life friends about my blog. I told someone at my work about it and now it's kind of awkward when they bring it up.
Hope you are having a great weekend! Visiting from SITS!
Ha! Love it!!!
ps my boyfriend is afraid to talk if I am near my laptop or have pen in hand...
Hahahaha. Why do people react like that to a blog? It cracks me up.
And this is why I never tell a soul I have a blog!
A lot of my friends just don't get it, either.But I love blogging...
I call it my "blob."
Yes, I tell people I have a blob. They ask me if I'm contagious. "Maybe I am" I usually reply.
Perhaps that's why I don't have any friends.
LOL. You are brave. I have only told a selected few people I know in real life. Now I wonder: did she feel relieved that you haven't written about her? Or did she feel insulted that you haven't featured her in a post, that she is not important enough for you to write about? ;-)
Amanda cracks me up! We all caught the Blog Disease.
My daughter always asks, are you putting this on your blog; no to her, but yes I am. hahaha
You have a cute one here btw. Here from SITS. :)
i don't think many of my friends are quite sure how to respond to that statement either. i don't write about them...but if they start acting crazy....
LOL! Most of my friends don't really get it, either.
I'm really good at spilling things. ;-)
I have less friends since I started blogging, I just can't keep my mouth shut... I don't think my Grandmother likes me anymore either ;0)
*LOL* I know people just don't generally get it do they? For some it's like you have some dirty little secret...
You don't get paid for sex?
Let me know when that changes...I have a 20 burning a hole in my pocket.
that's funny! my friends all think i write about them too! :) happy monday!
Ha ha ha! That's funny!
A lot of people I know get a little strange when I tell them I have a blog.
And you should definitely start charging for sex! How do you think I am going to pay for my BlogHer tickets?
Now, your friend will be on her best behavior! One of my friends was like wow, I hate writing, why would you choose to write every single day...different strokes for different folks! I loved your response...mind if I steal that one?!
She will either be on her best behavior or you will never see her again. I don't tell many people about my blog. Strangers sure, family, one or two, friends not so much. Old friends from high school who found me on Facebook sure but I still talk about them.
Haha. I still haven't had that conversation with my friends. I wonder if I ever will.
Thanks for stopping by.
I started laughing with the title....."Bite Me" being one of my favorite expressions.
But I laughed the big, ugly, loud, guffaw kind of laugh all the way through!!!!
And the end was priceless!
You would be most gratified if you could hear me still laughing!!!!
Non bloggers just don't understand...LOL
Yep, ya give a gal a camera and a blog there is just nothin' off limits. My fam can often be heard, "be careful or this will end up in Mom's blog......and it does! Heeeheheee! I enjoyed your hilarious take of the subject.
Ya'll have a fantastically fun day!!!
Oy, I have had that very same conversation with people lately!!!!
I can't explain it to people, other than that is a creative and social outlet, and means a lot to me, and yes dammit I write about you every day, so of course you should read my blog....!
I have a [poor, little] blog, but there are only two close people that know about it.
:)) oh, I can only imagine the shock your friend had:))
I am just getting into this blog THANG and have conversations like yours above all the dang time. I have this conversation quite a lot with my mother...and my husband...and the toll booth operator...and the guy who highlights my receipt at Wal-Mart. Hold on a second. I don't go to Wal-Mart. I got carried away. Anyway, I have it a lot and your post made me laugh!
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