How bad could electrocution be?
Have you ever witnessed someone who is absolutely petrified of plugging something into a wall for fear of being electrocuted?
Both eyes squinted, eyebrows crinkled in together, mouth pursed most unattractively?
All adding up to a lovely vision of a terrified constipation face?
....A hesitant arm reaches out to put the plug-in as mind and body prepare to run if, in fact, lightning should strike.
Got a good picture in your head now?
Did I give you an adequate visual?
Because now you know exactly what I look like whenever I dare to click on a new blog.
Frightened to death that I’m gonna love it but never be able to keep up with yet another glorious blog.
So why do I do it?
Why do I keep clicking and following? Following and clicking?
Same reason that I keep reaching for another piece of chocolate.
I’m stupid.
It's not news.
I’ve become the biggest blog junkie but I know that I’m not alone.
Doesn’t make me less junkier -just makes me feel better knowing that I am in such awesome blog-addicted-company.
No problem at all. In fact I just figured out how to hack the wireless sytem at work so I can hide in the bathroom with my personal lap top....
What problem?
Pass the chocolate please....
As long as you're clicking on mine, I don't really give a crap.
I mean, um..yes..I feel for your pain.
* whistles
The first step is admitting it. Then embracing it. haha. I love what the commenter before me said. Keep on clicking!
OMG. You are SO NOT ALONE! I know. It's horrible. It's a fun and crazy world in bloggy-land, and we meet new peeps every day. It's so scary, tho, isn't it? ;)
I would love to be in a Blog Home..just think of that..all day blogging, drinking, laughing...and yes making buttons...LMAO...!!..non bloggers would never understand..Hell I didnt before either...and likening it to electrocution..well I get it..."should I or shouldnt I"...the answer is yes..Im plugging in..! ..EnJoY YoUr DaY MeLySsa..you've brightened mine..!
I have stopped enjoying reading other people's blogs. It's become more of a chore, which makes me sad.
I'll join you to a Blog Home - how sweet that will be?
Call me if 'piipaa-piipaa car'* is coming your way - I tell them to fetch me first! :)
*(ambulance in Finnish baby language, I'm nuts as you can see!!!)
I have enough trouble trying to keep up with what I have. Some days I do better than others. It's tough right now with everything going on. I'm going to take an extended hiatus at some point when it's time to move....probably for a few months.
I often get out of bed vowing I'm not going to linger in Blogland, but alas, as with all my resolutions I fail miserably. If my husband starts yelling, though, sometimes that works to get my ass out of the chair. But then I just sneak peeks at my iPhone, he he.
I'm doing ex-lax. It doesn't stop the clicking and following but it hides my face.
I'm so there with you. I was in serious blog withdrawl this weekend.
Every day, every damn day, I say, this is the day I will spend less time in Blog World and more time in the real world. And it never, ever pans out. It's ok, though. Some of my blog friends last night had an Oscar party, we commented fast and furious with each other as we watched. And you know what? I had a hell of a time in my jammies underneath my down comforter with face washed clean of makeup. So, I'm feeling you, sister. I've just got to move a tad bit closer to the light, the real world light, without forsaking my computer friends.
P.S. Please hide your blogroll. It's compelling.
I feel that way too.
Ha Ha Ha! I'm right there with you, sista! *wink* Have you checked out my Blogger Town page on my blog? It is a list of every blog I am following, in alphabetical order. Hee Hee!
Love it!!
My feed reader is turning into an incredibly daunting and depressing to-do list. But then I giggle madly and all is ok again. Sleep is overrated anyway, right?
You are so right, it is exactly like going for another slice of rich and yummy chocolate cake...and another and another. The good thing about blogging...no calories!
I refuse to feel guilty about blogging. I'll follow when I can, read when I can, and try to keep it fun.
Today, anyway.
I'm a blog junkie also. But it's replaced my Facebook addiction so that makes me feel a little better about myself.
I'm with you. I'm amazed at how much time I spend reading and commenting.....er.....I mean eating chocolate.
Do you want to know what is really sad about this? I have the same affliction and I am sure it is what is preventing me from finding love. I don't have room in my life for a man, he wouldn't understand it. I'm afraid I would have to give up all my "imaginary" friends on the internet for a real live man and I don't think I am willing to do that. Blog lady is the new cat lady. Yes, I see the post in this comment that I will have to write.
It is so not a problem!
Will you be my roommate in Blog Rehab?
I follow way tooooo many blogs but I just can't stop. There are so many good ones out there!
i am stupid, too, as i have the same problem!
dang it. i wish i had a kid right NOW! and that i was in the u.k. :)
I must be sicker than you because I love going to new blogs and meeting new peeps. But to be fair, if you don't blog often, you will be deleted from my roll. Don't have time to keep seeing the same post for weeks.
I'll meet you there! :)
I need a good bloglist cleansing though. There are a couple I stumbled upon and read a post and loved it and followed it, and then never ever liked anything I read on their blog after that. Haha.
I wake up at 3AM just to see what everybody else has been up to. I need help! Mwahahahaa
OCB...Obsessive Compulsive Blogging.....
I don't have nearly enough time to read all the blogs I like. As it is, I've read a single book all the way through in a year.
By the time we baby boomers are being put into homes, they will have wireless and chocolate and sex, just like The Girl with Flour in Her Hair describes. There will be blogging instead of shuffleboard.
Nope, no problem at all! I love to blog too, and my list of blogs is getting bigger and bigger and bigger. LOL
And btw...you described me whenever I have to plus something in! hahahahaha
Normally I see no problems with it; I call it "functionally blogoholic" - BUT, when I've had to take time away for 4 or 5 days and I fall behind? I get a bit jumpy, frazzled, desperate.....sometimes I fidget and scratch at my arms.....I'm guessing you recognize the symptoms...
I have been away for just 24 hours... oh the sweats, stomach cramps... thank apple for iphone!!
A blogger home sounds kind of fun though. It's gotten worse since I got a smartphone. Now I really can blog from anywhere:)
I might rival you for biggest blog junkie. I can't stop!!! What a cute way of explaining your fears/addiction/love of the blogging world!
Oh, and I agree, some days sleep > sex!
Confessions From A Working Mom
it could be fun to stick all the bloggers in a home, eat chocolate, bounce of the walls, blog stuff, play jokes, I can see it now, just make sure to throw in some red wine with the choco!
Oh, boy do we know what you mean. I'm currently in a "holding pattern," which means I'm only adding about one a week these days. There are just so many good ones out there!!
I don't even know how many blogs I follow anymore.
I linked to you today.
I'm just glad I can squeeze in a few hours to keep up with the people who are reading my blog, because with so much going on I don't have time to read new blogs.
And that is absolutely killing me.
You have blogitis!!! LOL!
I know what you mean!!
I have it tooo!!!
Hello, my name is Brahm and I am a blog-a-holic.
Totally relate!
The question is, how can I multi-task so online and reading blogs while living my real life? watching tv? check. talking on phone? check. Interacting with spouse? Check. Cooking dinner? Still working on that one...
I totally get this! I get a severe case of bloggers guilt -- I just can't keep up! It's madness, I tell you!
Just stopping by to thank you for visiting me on my SITS day last Friday.
Peace and serenity,
'The End Of The Rainbow: Life After Bankruptcy'
*This week is 'MS Awareness Week' -- feel free to stop by to learn more and see how you can help. ::HUGS::
I used to be a recreational user. Then I started snorting blogs, smoking blogs and now I mainline them. It's a dirty habit but until Doctor Drew has a Non-Celebrity Rehab for blog addicts, I guess I'll just suffer in my addiction. Maybe sell my vagina .... I mean, monetize!
I don't have a clue what you're talking about. Just the other day I went without reading a blog for two hours and I was fine. Then I spent 24 hours straight reading and commenting, but that's normal, right? But I can't seem to shake the feeling that somehow, I made a mistake in clicking on your blog... I might be needing an extra hour or two in my day sooner than I thought.
Please come by my blog and pick up your Beautiful Blogger Award.
So funny, before blogging I never knew all of this existed and the whole thing about being addicted never even crossed my mind before. Now, different story. I can't believe how may blogs are out there. Just wish I had more time in my day to read them all!
I only started doing this in December. Now I have 49 pieces to read and comment on every day. It's sad when my husband calls while he's traveling and I say "Oh Honey, I have to hang up! Someone's at the door!" when what I'm really doing is reading somebody's post and dont' want to be interrupted. It's just frightening that I'm so involved with all this. Still, it beats reading gossip columns and watching reality tv all day.
Wow, you opened a really great conversation here. I love blogging and commenting and reading what other folks have to say. I am always delighted when I find another blog that I am really geeked about. (BTW your blogroll has led me to several of these!) But it is hard keeping up. I am a guilty person and I can't help but spend the time I am not blogging worrying about whose blogs are being neglected and how soon I'll be able to get to them and whether I'll be able to leave some witty, insightful comments. Because you know I worry about that too. I don't want to leave boring, useless comments. Anyway, enough about my neurosis. Great post! I love you and your blog. You are blogtastic.
jesus, I'm right there with ya sister!
I think it's time you start some sort of online support group for cant-help-yourself-it's-just-too-addicting blog readers/writers/DO-ers!:)
I'll be the first to sign up
I know, I know. I'm the worst blog friend ever, too, because I squeeze it in between work, kids, errands, kids, husbands, kids, litterbox scooping.....
Well, I figured I'd wander on over here as I see you leaving comments on several of the blogs I follow and lo-and-behold, now I'm following another blog. Yay me! I am a blog addict, oh yes, I am... Is there a theme song that goes with that admission?
Thank goodness I'm not alone. Welcome to my world. Too many awesome blogs, too little time. DOn't my kids understand I need to make out with my laptop all day?!
There are so many blogs that I like and so little time to visit them all, so I also live in fear of finding another must-read. Maybe daylight-savings time will help.
Ahhh, and then we'll go to the Blog-A-Way Cafe for coffee and....:-) (I better learn how to get my buttons working first though)
Gosh I can relate to this post!!! I've learned that to keep things manageable, I have to be picky about how many blogs I can follow on a regular basis. I totally stress if it gets too high. And if I find a new one I really like, I'll start looking for one to take off!!! How awful is that!?
OMG I feel the exact same way! "Frightened to death that I’m gonna love it but never be able to keep up with yet another glorious blog."
Tis why I have been up since 3:30 am reading and commenting on blogs. If this is not insane, I don't know what is... Just makes you want to buy lottery tkts, doesn't it? Then I can read all the blogs I want from a sunny beach with a cabana boy bringing me drinks with little umbrellas in them...
LOL. It is 2:33AM and I am up reading your blog... See you in the home!
I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes when I get a comment and I am clicking back I think in my head, PLEASE do not let me love this blog. I just can't read any more! There are so many good ones out there darn it! : )
Oh My God....You've got it too!
I found it in Sickipedia and it's called bloggyitis! There is no know cure except to keep on blogging...
Happy SITS Day! I'll be following...
Come by when you can...
Totally with you. I got overwhelmed at one point but I am going to stay focused and organized...and follow a gajillion again probably. That is why I got a notebook, right?
Happy SITS Day!!
Yes, my name is Rose's Daughter and I am addicted to blogs.
Hi Rose!
I find several new blogs a day to read. My goodle reader overflowith. I am trying to tame my addiction, but everyday that voice inside my head says, come on,one more won't hurt.....
By the way, you've caused me to feed my addiction today by adding your blog to my google reader.
Le sigh
Oh, yes, I also suffer from OCB obsessive compulsive blogging...
I am on a stress free week in Savannah GA, and I am blogging, lol!
A fellow bloggy friend and I were just talking about being committed to a special asylum just for bloggers last night! I love it! You hit the nail on the head describing the affliction that so many of us have been stricken with!
As I was clicking through your other SITS posts I was thinking to myself...oh no...another blog that I'm loving...how will I ever keep up with all these blogs! Then I clicked on this one and it's like you were reading my mind!
I seriously think I have to quit my job just so I have more time to read blogs!
I feel your pain...I now have a bookmark folder titled 'blogs' because they were clogging up the rest of my folders. I'm glad to meet a fellow addict :)
Blog addiction? What's that? Do you think that my third comment in a row on your archives is an indication that I might have such a problem? I'm happy to have discovered a blogger whose writing makes me grin so big!
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