I’m having an affair.
With many.
So many, that I’ve actually lost count.
I’m having an on-going affair that my husband is fully aware of and could really care less about.
And I’m in love.
I’m in love with….
And it’s an affair for life.
I’ve always been acutely aware of my need for words. Whether they are to be written, read or said.
I crave them.
If I don’t have a book to read at night, I panic.
And the smell of a bookstore...don't even get me started! Like a slice of freshly baked heaven.
Whenever I feel the word urge - I write. If not, I open a book and let the words fill me. That’s just how it works for me.
Though only in black and white, words are the color of life.
(That line sounded really good when I was drinking out of my "fancy-glass").
And, to me, nothing is as spectacular as being taken in by a captivating author. Pulled willingly into a vivid world created solely from the depths of their brilliant imaginations.
An author that makes me feel, see and anticipate.
No man more viral, no woman more beautiful no story more poignant.
I often find myself playing back my affairs to remember in my head, but I will always anticipate a new affair as if it were the first.
And I’m not ashamed to say that being a whore never felt so good!
Who's in the brothel with me? (-:
Books definitely cause less chafing than normal whoredom.
A healthy addiction :)
Ooh, you are a book slut! Me too, isn't it awesome? Has always been that way for me, and people either totally appreciate or think it is weird and nerdy.
I think is excellent, and weird, and nerdy...!
Great job using your words -- I loved this post!
I'm in the brothel with ya. Words are life, no two ways about it!
Books are definitely worth whoring for!
Sign me up for that brothel, girlfriend. If you haven't yet read "The Help" you're in for a treat. It was my favorite book of 2009. Mostly, though I'm finding myself drawn to memoirs and other non-fiction. Good writing, however, is good writing and I'm always in awe of those who do it well.
Oh, I'm with you. Words are my drug of choice for sure.
Me, me! I'm a whore!
Oooh! Me *waving hand annoyingly* ME ME..I'm at the brothel!
...sigh...the smell of a bookstore.....
Proudly claiming to be a whore, too!
You've let the secret out!
Gosh, I thought I was the only one who had a "fancy glass."
I don't feel so lonely anymore...
I am a lover of words too. If that makes me a whore so be it.
I used to be a word-whore. Then the baby came along and now I practically fall unconsciously onto the bed as soon as I walk into the bedroom. No more energy for a book. *sigh* I miss it.
I'm not only in the brothel with you, I'm the madam. Check that. THE MADAM. There, much better.
...What an affair to remember. I too am a lover of words. I love to tease, toy and play with them sometimes leaving a grand surprise.
Ya'll have a wonderful day!!!
I love reading, writing, editing; just about anything to do with words. I love reading poetry too, too bad I can't write 'em ;)
the bookstore is the most glorious place. it's like being a voyeur (sp?), peeping into other's stories. and words...be still my heart.
I LOVE being at Borders or Barnes and Noble. I have my affairs there all the time; and then, we have coffee!!
I too have a love affair with the written word. If I'm not writing I'm reading and if I'm not reading I'm talking and if I'm not doing any of those things I'm asleep where I still talk and dream about what I am going to write. Too bad I still haven't figured out the proper way to use commas.
I gather no Nook or Kindle for you. Hard to drool on something that might electrocute you if it gets wet. Do digital bits and bytes have any odor? I love the smell of a used book store...musty and cheap! That sounds so bad but I don't care.
I love bookstores SO MUCH.
I'm also a word whore and writing addict. My brain is an easy lay. My keyboard is my bed. I can't resist a sexy synonym or provocative double entendre.
Sure, I love reading, I keep my library hard handy as I use it a lot.
I SO love reading. When I was young, I would sit down for a book and read it cover to cover. But with three kids and a full time job, I have NO time to read. BUT... I started the twilight books on a whim and found I could read while my daughter was in gymnastics. 1.5 hours of sheer bliss, READING. I missed it so much. Finished all the books. Have nothing left to read - suggestions? :)
Are there pictures? If there are pictures then sign me up.
When I read your post, your fancy-glass line made me think I'd heard it before. So of course I googled it and the first thing that popped up was a link to a 2008 exhibition at The Getty featuring polychromy in sculpture (check it out--there are some bee-YOU-tee-ful things). Then I remembered that it was "these are the moments of your life" from an old commercial, so I googled that and found my new favorite quote: "Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life." Omar Khayyam said that. So yes, I'm way deep in the brothel as well. It's nice here.
Ahhh - I am so there with you. 2 fav book stores of mine: Elliot's Bay Book Store in Seattle and the book store on the main strip in Manchester Vermont ( I think it's Northshire)...ahhh...affairs to remember (to be totally cliche)....
I love bookstores too...to browse, to buy or just to so sit in...Borders..Take me Away...! ...Barnes and Noble..the best little bookstore in Texas...Amazon...my internet porn...the Public Library....government paid for prostituion....Im with you..Im a whore for it all...
I'm a cheap whore. I love the library. It's better than going to Home Depot or Lowes. All those books just for ME...and they're FREE!
My hubs often accuses me of cheating on him with Barnes, or Noble, *gasp*, I do them both at the same time, the same place and then I have coffee. What's worse? I take my kids with me!
Shutyerwhoremouth! I kid you not!
I am!! And what really sucks is that my hubby will NEVER ever ever ever never go to the bookstore with me. He hates to read. So I just have to have my affair all on my own.
My most lustful affair occurred with the Twilight series. Oh baby! I couldnt get enough!
VD free! Woohoo!
I have to laugh though 'cause once I heard someone called those book cover thingy Book Condoms... LOL
A wonderful addiction, and I admit I have it too -- The second-hand bookshops on Charing Cross Road are what I miss most about leaving London and migrating to Italy.
I probably read a book a week and have a pile of at least 45 books waiting for me to get to them.
I'm with ya, sister!
Amen Sister! And I always feel so sad, almost in a mournful way when I finish a book. If I don't have a stack of unread books on my nightstand, I panic.
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