I’m a phony.
Well, what else could I be?
I’m not cursing at you in the supermarket for cutting the line am I?….
I’m not trying to run you off the highway just so I can give you a road-rage finger or fist right?…
And I’m always on my best bloggy behavior (sarcasm and drunken silliness notwithstanding).
I’m good here all - the - time.
My husband should be so fortunate.
There was nothing about being good in the vows btw (I watched the tape back)
But don’t you see?
….Phony Blog-o-nee!
The real me curses, shoves and gives dirty looks when called for and maybe even just for fun....And they can't prove anything about that car in the ditch.
The problem is you guys never upset me.
You make me laugh, you make me happy….
Where’s the realness in that??
This is the one place where the best of me shines…again, because nobody is slamming me down the aisle to get the last box of cookies on sale.
Hey! Was that you?
Or you?
Naw….My awesome bloggy friends know how to act.
It’s those damn real-life people that I have to worry about.
Was that you?