I do my best blogging in the shower.
Or, during sex, depending upon how much fancy juice I have consumed prior.
And sometimes, during certain times of the month, I can even blog on the couch while watching TV with my husband as he interjects comments in between the shows.
“Wow, check out how long her hair is.”
What the hell is wrong with my hair? I knew I should have never cut my hair. Why didn't you tell me not to cut my hair dammit!
“Look at that gymnast go. Not an ounce of fat on her I bet”
So now I’m a cow?
“Must be nice to have all that money”
What, you should have married for money instead of love. Is that what you’re saying??
“Keep playing the lottery babe, you never know.”
Why, so the first thing you can buy is a suitcase? ...THAT'S IT!
“So what do you want to watch honey?”

“WTF? Are you crazy?!”
I know.
You should see me blog in supermarkets.
That's great. What was the last blog post you wrote up in your head during sex?
Now, where do I imagine that face...shower or...you know? Neither? Both?
I could win a pulitzer with what I write in the shower. I must say I never think about blogging during sex. I don't 'think' about much of anything.
My husband and I have those conversations all the time. I have to keep reminding him that what he says and what I hear will most likely always be two different things!
Oh my god that was hilarious!! Ok, well curiosity always gets the best of me as I await your blog post concocted during sex...HA!
Oh that's funny. My husband is always telling me I am too sensitive! I hate that!
Wait...you listen to what your husband says when the TV is on?
HAHAHAHAHA...your hub talks while watching tv? That is a sin in our house according to everyone who lives there. LOL.
I blog in the car. And in meetings at work. And when I see other moms. I judge in my head. But never outloud. I'm a trick.
SO, Let me get this straight. You know you are on edge and you let us talk anyways? Sheesh What 3 weeks of the month is the time to avoid?
Husbands who learn when to keep their mouths shut are priceless.
You might be able to get something for him on Ebay.
I remember sex...faintly.
But this isn't about me...forehead desk.
Can that hubby of yours' not read your mind yet? Geesssh
More laughter. Big, audible exhale. "Thanks, I needed that!"
You are all so funny! I found your blog on the last Friday Follow list and became one of your followers. I am new to blogging so check out my blog when you get a chance! Happy Friday!
You are so funny! And I blog in the shower too. I need to put a dry erase board in there or something because as soon as I towel off, my thoughts have completely disappeared.
I'm so glad you two can have those conversations. We don't do that. Usually when my wife speaks I just shit my pants and shiver. She’s a great communicator and gets her point across clearly and quickly.
Hilarious post! I blog in the car using a tape recorder when moving, laptop when stationary. I tend to curse a lot in the car when driving and hate to listen to my voice when I play it back. I sound all nasally and sleepy. I get my best ideas in the shower and bathroom in general. At night, I usually write ideas down on a q-tip container or any box I can find that has white space.
my best blogging is sooo random. sometimes, stuff will just pop into my head like, while pumping gas, or whatever and other times it's all tumbleweeds for days.
is it sad that i think like you even when i'm NOT on my period? sad for the husband, probably.
Your husband says things like that? Wow, he's brave... M knows that a few days every month it's only really safe to say "yes, dear." Unless I want him to have an opinion about something, in which case he will inevitably choose the wrong opinion. Poor guy. ;)
I’ve those moments he says one thing I ear another…my reaction should be with my inside voice…but I can’t help it (got a bad case of diarrhea of the mouth) I use my outside voice …loudly. Always gets me in hot waters.
Yes, I blog in the shower too..and when were getting ready to sleep...well if you call giggling over some past blog reading or a funny comment, blogging....not during sex though..but I do comment during sex..does that count....??..I was thinking you've only been married for 11 years right..it'll take a few more years for him to catch on about his TV watching habits...That is definitely a no no..anytime of the month..Lol..EnJoY YoUr WeEkEnD..!
Okay, I GET that all I saw at first was a glance, but I will never be able to come her (oh sheesh happening again) without remembering the words blog during sex and interject. And now coming. Great. Thanks
They're really just kind of like flies that we torture before we destroy them, aren't they. ;)
Wherever and however you manage to blog, it's always freakin' funny, girlfriend.
I've had great ideas about blogging in the shower and then by the time I leave the room, I've forgotten my ideas I hate that...
Dorothy from grammoloyg
Don't you worry about the keyboard getting wet or icky?
Sweet! Mama I'm home.
Hi there. It's Lyn from Once Upon A.
It's Friday and I'm happy.
Thank you Oh funny one.
I do my best blogging AWAY from the computer. It's so irritating.
Yes. We should see you blog in supermarkets. Time for a vlog!
I tend to blog while driving. They are mostly rants, though! LOL
Okay, I'm laughing out loud, I thought I was the only one blogging during sex Lol!!
Have a great weekend
I do my best blogging when I should be getting some sleep... and whenever my husband is talking.
But don't tell him :P
All of my best ideas come in the shower. I wish I had a waterproof computer in there and a bigger hot water tank.
Hahahahhahaa!!!! I blog in bed early in the morning when the hub is still zzzzz-ing.
Visiting from BPOTW.
What a creative and interesting blog!
Thanks for the follow!
I am now following you back!:)
Have a great weekend!
I blog in my sleep.
LOL!! Fabulous!
I can't believe you said that! I always say my best writing comes to me while in the shower. Must be something about the hot water stimulating my creativity. Oh, and the talking to me while trying to write. Drives. Me. Crazy. Ahem, husband.
I’ve got a small gift for you on my blog:) go check it out.
I totally do my best writing/blogging when I'm away from home/my computer. It's so unfair.
And during sex? I make my grocery list.
haha! I love this!
Friday Following! How is it that we haven't found each other before? I mindblog during sex too! That's why hubs won't buy me a laptop...he's afraid I'll type!
I love that face and I remember being that sensitive. I still am but everyone just gets out of the way now. You have to train them better. I blog everywhere which is much better than simply talking to myself. You know, that crazy blog lady thing.
Oy, blooging during sex, there is a visual image that I so did not need...
I'm too busy watching TV when I have sex to blog.
I'm kidding.
Very funny!
Oh, I just blog - no sex! Simple, easy, clean life! LOL!
I came also to say bye, bye for a while - I'm busy packing and then going to have relocation break!
See you again in April!
Take care!
My Hubs also makes annoying comments! Damn men.
Although I think I do my best blogging while driving, and then of course I promptly forget it as soon as I get near my laptop again. =)
Like your style Mrsblogalot. I too blog too much (so I'm told). Check me out some time :-D
So this blog came directly from a notepad in which you were scribbling furiously as he was talking to you? ;)
I do all my best thinking in water - showering, swimming, hot-tubbing. It must be some kind of conduit for great ideas. Hmmmm, I'm hitting the shower now, I'm about fresh out.
I do my best thinking while riding in the car. Sometimes I get lost.
Brilliant! I blog constantly too although not yet during sex!!!!
I blog in my head. A LOT!
This so sounds like me...LOL
Now following from FFF @ MBC!
I apologize for the comment I made on your blog.
Wow, good thing he didn't see a Subway commercial. I can see it now... *ahem*
"I could really go for a sandwich."
I totally have those moments too. It's okay. :)
I also write blogs during sex.
Which is why I usually why I post only three times a year.
bah! your man is a source of endless entertainment! well, YOU are, too!
I so get you.
YES YES YES to supermarkets. Oh, if ONLY I could say the things I think out loud... now that would be some REAL blog fodder.
Especially the part where I go to jail and all.
Awesome! I have days where my husband say - yeah, you're being too much of a girl and there's no way I can win so I'm not continuing the conversation.
Its so reassuring to know I am not alone. I blog during sex too....oh wait...that IS my sex. Hubs would rather work on his truck...
I hate to discuss other woman's bodies with my boyfriend, he likes to compare me to everyone, sometimes it's unpleasant and rude.
Fancy Juice, I like that. I might have to use it. Lately, I've been referring to my Chardonnay as Mountain Love Juice but Fancy Juice sounds more chic.
Husbands are a great blogging inspiration aren't they? LOL
Great post- I'm still laughing...
I think of things all the time for my blog- I carry a little notebook with me!
Check out my new blog:
Absolutely hysterical! I would blog during sex, too, if I had it...
It's a joy to read your posts AND your comments, always! See you tomorrow...and don't forget to vote. Voting for yourself is like....it's okay....
i blog so much in my head i wish i could connect my laptop to it.
Okay you totally had me rolling with this one. I think we must be twins because I am forever blogging in my head and my husband is always trying to figure out what the heck I am thinking/talking about.
On another note, I want to know what the commenter above me wrote. Translator please?
LOL, glad to know I'm 'normal'!!! Hehe, ever wonder what husbands of blogging wives think?!!
Ha! My brain is starting to work that way! I'll be driving along and all of a sudden an idea for a post pops into my mind. What? Was that a red light? Geesh!
Funny! My husband has learned not to talk to me during certain days of the month...no matter what he says it makes me cranky!
Argument manipulation is a practice. You have to be ready, at a moments notice, to twist what they say.
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