I have no idea what that title means other than I spelled donut wrong and if, in fact, there were a real blog donut hole I would surely be accused of falling into it.
That and I’m in the mood for a vanilla frosted with sprinkles.
But when isn’t one?
So as I type my fingers back up and over the rim of the slippery albeit non-frosted blog edge, I am amazed at all of the time that has passed since my last post.
Each day I say, today is the day I will post and the next day and the next day…. and well here I am.
Not exactly Rip Van Winkle but close.
If I were a man.
And if it's been 20 years.
Stupid details.
I knew it would be just a matter of time before I hit the keys again. I love it too much to stay away.
Similar to how men must stop whatever they are doing in order to direct a backing up car or truck.
It’s their Spielberg moment.
We direct them-they direct cars. It’s the natural order of things.
I still want that donut.
And more time to blog out with you guys.
But I had to come and post before another day went by! And I know that whether or not I’m trying not to kill someone on my daily commute or listening to the clothes talk in my closet ...you guys know that I am always thinking of you!
…There’s that and I didn’t want you to think I was dead or anything.
That would suck.
Being dead. Not you thinki…
Going now.
Xoxoxo!! (-: