Friday, January 29, 2010

Never Too Old For A Sticker


My name is Mom and I .....

I am a....

I am an Obsessive Worrying Ass.

My worry today and everyday?......

Not Doing It Right

Perhaps this worry is the reason that I am so nosy observant around other parents.

I eavesdrop pay close attention to them interacting with their kids at a restraining order type distance every opportunity.

Am I doing it right?

As a mother, this question swirls around my heart and head at least fifty-three villion times a day.

Sometimes I am able to lose it amongst all the other worries but some days I can almost feel the weight of the dark red pencil circling over my head marking me for failure.

Have I ruined him for all screeching-hormonal-females everywhere?

How much will he hate me for this when he gets older?

What portion of this can I successfully turn around and blame on my husband?

So many questions.

What I do know is that I am secretly waiting for him to turn to me one day and say

‘Mom, …You know what? You’re doing a really great job with me’

I realize that tears and bribery don't work this might never happen.

But wait for it I do.

Wait and worry.

Is anyone out there ‘doing it right’? in blaming it on your husband?


Anonymous said...

i don't think anyone is 'doing it right'...especially me. i think we all just try to do the best we can and the best we know how, picking up tips and lessons on the way. it's unfortunate that we don't get an owner's manual for each kid.

hang in there...i'm sure you're doing a great job!

Veronica Lee on January 31, 2010 at 6:41 AM said...

I'm with Noelle. You sound like an awesome mom to me.

No one knows our kids better that we do and if our methods are different, it doesn't mean we're not doing it right!

Shell on January 31, 2010 at 6:51 AM said...

I don't think any of us is really doing it "right." Instead, we do it the best we can and try to learn from our mistakes.

Tracie on January 31, 2010 at 6:54 AM said...

I know I'm not doing it right. Even if I was they would find something to blame me for. My motto is "Put another quarter in the therapy jar".

Anonymous said...

I never did it right and sometimes it was just sheer hell for all of us -- my daughters, me, my husband, the dog. But now that all three of them (the girls, not the dog or husband) are in their mid to late 20s, each one of them has told me that they're so thankful for the things I did for them and that they think I was (and still am) a good mom. They were spoken WORDS, not in a greeting card and not on Mother's Day. So as long as your child knows he's loved, you're doing the right thing.

A Daft Scots Lass on January 31, 2010 at 7:28 AM said...

I don't think anyone does it right. We do it to the best of our ability. We do our best and we can't do more than that.

More than a Mom on January 31, 2010 at 7:43 AM said...

I think the best we can do is what's "right" for our kids. My "right" is not the same as another's. We all just try our best and do what's "right" for our families.

Aunt Becky on January 31, 2010 at 8:47 AM said...

I'm pretty sure I'm not doing it right. I didn't realize anyone else worried like that. I love you for admitting it.

Me-Me King on January 31, 2010 at 8:57 AM said...

I believe we all do the best we can which is "right" for us in any given situation.

Robin on January 31, 2010 at 9:31 AM said...

Yeah wait and worry and obsess...just to wake up tomorrow and start again...that IS parenting....and in between you can give a little here, get a little there and just keep loving them...mine are older (18-21) and I thought it got easier...but no it just gets different...and at some point you just gotta say.."I did the best I could with what I knew"...and you know what...That's all everyone can do...and hey.. did'nt we turn out just GREAT..!!

Anonymous said...

None of us are perfect...we live and learn. I think we feel our way through motherhood, doing the best we can at any given moment hoping we've done the right thing. Sounds like you are a great mom!

Liz Mays on January 31, 2010 at 10:40 AM said...

There is no one right way to do it because every child is different! What works for one may not work for another. Your mom instincts will never fail you. Just follow them!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think he'll realize it until he's a father himself.

G on January 31, 2010 at 11:27 AM said...

oh god. this scares me for my future mom self. I obsess

Nancy C on January 31, 2010 at 11:49 AM said...

I worry. I wonder if I am doing it wrong. I am resentful of how others seem to have it together. In other words, I'm normal.

TMB on January 31, 2010 at 11:54 AM said...

I think this is a common worry for every mom ... I know my little man is only 6months and I already worry about these types of things ... lol I love the "successfully blame on husband" part ;-)

Anonymous said...

If you need to feel like a good mom who is doing it all right, come hang around my house for a couple days! Im screwing up all over the place.

Andrea on January 31, 2010 at 1:03 PM said...

We're all going through the motions blindly here. Motherhood is interesting, isn't it? We try our best and hope we don't screw 'em up in the process. My brother said to me recently that a friend said that infamous quote (by whom, I have no clue!) "It doesn't matter what you do now, they're all going to wind up on the couch anyway!" {Hugs}

Deb on January 31, 2010 at 5:02 PM said...

I gave up worrying if I was doing it right a few years ago when he was in college 'cause he knew everything anyway. He has since graduated from college, living on his own for the past 3 months, 13 days, 27 minutes and 2 seconds and has not asked for money, has not knocked on the door wanting his room back, but did tell me that he's not so crazy about this "real world" we'd all been telling him about. Yesssss!

Jayne Martin on January 31, 2010 at 5:24 PM said...

I can't imagine anything more terrifying than bringing another human being into this world and then having to be responsible for them. It's been all I can do to raise a happy, healthy, well-mannered Chihuahua.

adrienzgirl on January 31, 2010 at 8:58 PM said...

I just try to do the best that I can. That's all I can do, my best. Sometimes it is enough, sometimes it isn't. But at least I try to do what I think is right at the time.

You win some, you lose some.

People Who Know Me Would Say: on February 1, 2010 at 4:45 AM said...

We all fall/fell short every. single. day. It's a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants gig, and I don't know about you, but I'm not always at my best extemporaneously.

You are a genius when it comes to highlighting these fun topics.

Blogs on February 1, 2010 at 5:22 AM said...

I hear ya! I always worry! It's a Mom thing;) Your doing a Great Job....;)

Moooooog35 on February 1, 2010 at 6:51 AM said...

If you consider closets and kibble 'doing it right,' then I suppose I'm guilty.

Maureen@IslandRoar on February 1, 2010 at 1:40 PM said...

Wait a minute; I'm doing it right. Now, if I could just convince my kids of this...

ReformingGeek on February 1, 2010 at 5:00 PM said...

I don't think I did IT right. I didn't get any kids.


Jen on February 2, 2010 at 7:24 AM said...

I've taken "doing it wrong" to a whole new level. But it seems to be working for me since my kids learn the right way because they don't want to mess up like me.

I did get a pat on the back from my ex#1's current wife. She said I had done a great job raising my son. That was better than hearing it from my kid or his dad. There ain't no one as critical as the current wife/stepmom.

JENIE=) on February 3, 2010 at 8:48 AM said...

i wish i am too...but 4 yrs is not much of an experience yet. but i still believe that i can DO IT RIGHT because I have the Higher Power with me in it ;)

you really have a way with words huh! wonderful writing as always!

remember me? it's been a while friend. hope you'll visit again ;)

Working Mommy on February 3, 2010 at 6:48 PM said...

I think the great thing about parenting is that there really isn't one right way or another...there are many ways that work for many different people. You're doing just fine mama!!!


The Absence of Alternatives on February 13, 2010 at 9:12 AM said...

You know my goal: Let them not turn out to be serial killers. Even at that, I worry about it...

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This is the coolest ever! Thank you Lauren for this Psycho Carnival Award!!

This is the coolest ever! Thank you Lauren for this Psycho Carnival Award!!
Now visit Lauren and witness all of her originality greatness!

Thank you my Jersey Girl Goddess!! Now go meet her @inannasstar.blogspot-No way you can resist!!!

Thank you my geeky friend!!! Now go check out Confessions of a Reforming Geek..she is way cool!

Thanks to Diane over at Just Humor Me-Rules for this award: Drink & Blog-Do you see why I love her?

Thanks to Diane over at Just Humor Me-Rules for this award: Drink & Blog-Do you see why I love her?
If you have not met Diane, please check her out. You will not be sorry! You trust me right? Go!

Thank you to the Empress at Gooddayregularpeople- Go visit this magnificent blogger!!!

Thank you Linda! How cool is this award from my buddy over @thegoodthebadtheworse? I know right?

Thank you Linda! How cool is this award from my buddy over @thegoodthebadtheworse? I know right?
She's totally awesome!! Go check her out and see!!!

I Won!!! The Golden Phallus #32 Is Mine!!! Many thanks to The Screaming Me-Me!!!!

I Won!!! The Golden Phallus #32 Is Mine!!! Many thanks  to The Screaming Me-Me!!!!
Go check out the Screaming Me-Me for THE most captioning fun on the internet!!!! She's one of the friendliest Blog hosts out there!!!! Have fun & Caption away!!!!

Huge thanks to Nancy at for this award-Love this !!!

Thanks Heather @ twolittlemonkeysplushubby & Richele @underthegoldenappletree

Thanks so much to Margaret over at & Katsconfessions.blogspot.

Thanks so much to Margaret over at & Katsconfessions.blogspot.
Thanks to Tami & Richeleoxo@underthegoldenappletree.blogspot! Also to Hil'Lesha @ Vicki @ & Amanda at bloggertowne.blogspot You guys rock!!!

DOUBLE THANKS to Noelle @elasticwaistbandsandcomfortableshoes & Daffy@ batcrapcrazy-U GUYS RULE

DOUBLE THANKS to Noelle @elasticwaistbandsandcomfortableshoes & Daffy@ batcrapcrazy-U GUYS RULE
Another Awesome heartfelt thanks to the awesome Lauren @Thinkspin & multi-creative Robin them ...follow them...go!!!

The Rosie Award Comes Home!!!

The Rosie Award Comes Home!!!
Thanks to my bloggy buddy for bestowing this award back to me and letting me keep a Rosie at home forever!!!!

Sunshine Makes My Day!! Many Thanks to Joy@ thepracticalmomguide & Ziva @Zivasinferno for the shine


Thank you Anat over at for this spectacular award!!!

HUGE thanks to Gabrielle @ and Lisa!!

Thanks Lee!!!

Thanks Jenie for The Lady Ms Blogger Award! Visit her giving greatness

Double Thanks to Robyn for both of these awards-visit her @

Double Thanks to Robyn for both of these awards-visit her @
Tamara-Thank you for this!!! xoxoxoxoox visit her at @ xoxoxo

Thanks so much to Blia @

Grab An Award-see below

Finally, you do not need to be a recipient of an award to give an award!

Grab An Award – My way of awarding it forward. The only rules are: THERE ARE NO RULES (Only rule is no rules? Rule for rules? Is that a rule? I’m so confused)

And what is nicer than giving an award with no strings attached just because?

So in the spirit of fun blog awarding and ‘cause I think they’re a great way to connect and share the blog love with our awesome fellow bloggers (without the chain letter affect-they give me the willies), I have created The Divine Blogger and Rock Star Blogger Awards to grab-I know, fancy right? -(o.k. so I won't quit my day job)

Grab it and let the lucky recipient (s) know that you have given them a rule-free award and not to be afraid to pick it up on your site. Once they grab it from your site, they are free to pass it along to others (rule-free of course). And anyone can grab it from their sites to pass on as well.

Hope you all enjoy awarding it forward!

Now hurry! Go make room in your closet for all that good karma. And please get rid of those old sweatpants while you're at it! (-:

The No Rules Rock Star Blogger Award

The No Rules Divine Blogger Award

Award Love Received

Thanks so much to Lisa at (the Grandma sites got it going on yo) and Robyn at Simply Delightful and Tamara at homespunheartscandlesand Jane @agingmommyblog for this award. You guys are awesome!

Okay, here are my 10 honest things about myself:

1. I am an extremely well balanced individual

2. I am easily distracted

3. I don’t take rules seriously

4. I lied about number one (number 3 made me do it)

5. I have a short attention span

6. I often don’t finish what I sta..

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A Must Read Award

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