Nellie Olsen was a whore.
And really what can you expect with Nells being a homo.
Oh, You know you were all thinking it so don’t even.
Now why do I feel that I just crossed an imaginary line here? Oh well, as long as I’m here…
When I was younger, Charles Ingalls was my first crush. Until I fell in love with Scott Baio that is. Never did find out why he didn’t show up for the wedding.
But before all the jilted anger, plowing and farming in Walnut Grove was where it was at for me. Small town, five families (un-mafia related) who wore the same clothes every day and came to your rescue whenever you needed. You married old man Tucker at thirteen and lived happily ever after wearing lemon verbena perfume.
I didn’t go for the Walton Boy. Couldn’t get past the whole mole thing.
Back in the day, I would have traded today’s technology for Walnut Grove in a pre-antibiotic heartbeat. Well what the hell did I know?
I wonder if that show were to air fresh today, would it have the same affect on this generation as it had on ours. My hope is that it would but my reality antennas tell me that it would be flipped faster than a non-reality pancake.
I mean really. How could such quality T.V. possibly hold up to today’s display of….such wonderful shows as….um…like…you know the one where…..
Remember when we were awed by the special effects of the original Star Wars or Trek?
We were so easy.
There are some days when I still pine for Charles (Ingalls or In Charge). And will admit that if I do come across a re-run, I will slam the remote down in fierce decision and watch it like it just came out yesterday.
So you may now be able to guess my age by this post but you know what? I’m not worried.
‘Cause you’ll never guess my weight! They can’t right?.... Shut up, they’ll hear you!