My son’s pediatrician is a jackass.
If I brought him in screaming of multiple penis disorder, this doctor would treat it the same as a runny vagina.
He’d stare into his computer magic eight ball and predict and prescribe the same damn thing.
EVERY damn time.
It’s like listening to a bad medicinal chorus.
What does it take to become a pediatrician anyway because I think my nasal and gassy, one-eyed cat would be a highly qualified candidate.
Maybe I should go into practice.
I'm nasal.
I can look into a computer and tell worried-to-death-parents to make sure their hacking child drinks liquids and rests regardless of their agitated state too you know.
I could be famous!
....Hey, what kinda money do you think I can make as a Jackass?
Ah, who the hell cares…. the money I save on leaky vagina medication alone will be well worth it.
Nothing like great benefits right?