A Rabbi, a Priest and a Redneck walk into a blog...
The rabbi holds up both hands and proclaims “I hereby bless this blogger on her most honored and anticipated SITS-VAH day”
The priest shoves him over and says “What's the matter with you? It’s not SITS-vah, it’s Saint SITS Day. Don’t you know anything?”
“And what do you know?” The rabbi spat “And while we’re at it, who started the no eating meat on Fridays crap? The cows?”
The priest got up clearly agitated and pointed out “like you’d know anything about cows when their milk isn’t even good enough to eat with meat?”
The arguing continued back and forth until the redneck interrupted gently.
“Fellers, fellers, no need to git yer holy books in a twist”
The priest and the rabbi stopped bickering abruptly and both looked over to stare blankly at the redneck.
“What the hell is he doing here?” the rabbi asked the priest.
"Oh him?" the priest paused a moment then leaned over to whisper softly into the rabbi’s ear “... he thought it was IN-SITS day...”
A second of stunned silence passed then both the priest and the rabbi erupted in hearty barks of laughter.
....And SITS Day was happy once more!
I’d like to thank the wonderful ladies of SITS for the honor of being today’s featured blogger... despite the above post.
Do you know how many virtual flowers arrangements I owe those SITS girls for all of the awesome bloggy friends I've met over there?
Shhh..don't say anything. Maybe they'll forget.
But do go check 'em out! They rock!!!!
And before the Blog Police come to take me away.... below are some of my favorite posts from my Fun Dust on The Blog Shelf - hope it doesn't make anyone sneeze or cough up blood or anything...I'm not insured...
maybe this wasn't such a good idea...
A hearty thanks to everyone for sharing this day with me!! (insert hearts, flowers and a hot Paramedic here)
If A Blog Posts in The Forest...
...Now where did I put that First-Aid Blog kit?