So guess what?
The other day someone asked me for some blogging tips.
Can you imagine? Me?
Yeah, I know but still. I took this as a huge compliment and definitely considered not answering her email.
What advice could I possible offer? She wanted to know how she could make some extra money blogging (and as soon as someone can fill me in, I will be happy to pass that info along).
All I can do is put myself out there and hope someone likes what they see… enough to pay for it. I refuse to blog about cat litter boxes –even if they are paying a whopping $1.50 per post.
Selling my body wouldn’t go for much more but still, it’s the principle.
Anyway, I blog for love not war.
All’s I know is that if I ever did make money doing this so fun blog, I think my husband would drop of a heart attack…which would lead to a large life insurance settlement…which could in turn be considered making money from blogging…what? It could count. I’m only trying to help.
But instead of boring her to death with all that, I thought of writing her and responding the only way that I know how; by butchering a quote from a French philosopher:
I feel, therefore I blog.
Why did she ask me again?
Let’s see….I'll start at the beginning…..Type in Google….What is a blog?.....answer:
Your blog is whatever you want it to be- Got that straight from Blogger,btw
And blogs mean and are so many different things to so many different people.
Maybe I’m an authority on the minority? Or perhaps she senses the train wreck passion that I have for this blog and is inexplicably drawn to it. Maybe I was the only one with a legitimate email address.
But she did ask so in true can’t-ever-keep-my-mouth-shut fashion, I told her that I once read a blog about a blog who blogged about a blogger who blogge…ouch my head.
Anyway, she said ‘write good content and the rest will follow.’ She might have said more but that was all that I heard.
Well there you have it folks! Brown stained pearls of wisdom - our next item up for bid on the Blog is Right!
Betcha nobody asks me again.
What can I say?
You can’t polish a sneaker (-: