My husband lives in a constant state of Red Alert.
The terrorists are only moments away and the world is one big fat ticking time bomb.
He also thinks that everyone is listening in on his phone calls.
“Okay, so when I call, you just answer yes or no. Got it?”
“Got it. Can I call you Chief Titty Ca-Ca?”
“Remember, you never know who is listening so I’ll tell you the important stuff in Spanish alright?”
Oh yes, because Spanish….is… a… secret…… language.
“ola-hay enor-say”
“What are you doing?”
“Practicing my Spanish pig latin”
“Stop it, I’m serious”
“The yellow dog pees at three o’clock”
“Would you please…”
“The brown stain flows swiftly down the drain”
“Stop it!”
“Sorry, just getting into character”
Sheesh…so serious for an undercover agent.
I barely listen to him, what the hell makes him think someone else wants to?