How bad could electrocution be?
Have you ever witnessed someone who is absolutely petrified of plugging something into a wall for fear of being electrocuted?
Both eyes squinted, eyebrows crinkled in together, mouth pursed most unattractively?
All adding up to a lovely vision of a terrified constipation face?
....A hesitant arm reaches out to put the plug-in as mind and body prepare to run if, in fact, lightning should strike.
Got a good picture in your head now?
Did I give you an adequate visual?
Because now you know exactly what I look like whenever I dare to click on a new blog.
Frightened to death that I’m gonna love it but never be able to keep up with yet another glorious blog.
So why do I do it?
Why do I keep clicking and following? Following and clicking?
Same reason that I keep reaching for another piece of chocolate.
I’m stupid.
It's not news.
I’ve become the biggest blog junkie but I know that I’m not alone.
Doesn’t make me less junkier -just makes me feel better knowing that I am in such awesome blog-addicted-company.