My name is Mom and I .....
I am a....
I am an Obsessive Worrying Ass.
My worry today and everyday?......
Not Doing It Right
Perhaps this worry is the reason that I am so nosy observant around other parents.
I eavesdrop pay close attention to them interacting with their kids at a restraining order type distance every opportunity.
Am I doing it right?
As a mother, this question swirls around my heart and head at least fifty-three villion times a day.
Sometimes I am able to lose it amongst all the other worries but some days I can almost feel the weight of the dark red pencil circling over my head marking me for failure.
Have I ruined him for all screeching-hormonal-females everywhere?
How much will he hate me for this when he gets older?
What portion of this can I successfully turn around and blame on my husband?
So many questions.
What I do know is that I am secretly waiting for him to turn to me one day and say
‘Mom, …You know what? You’re doing a really great job with me’
I realize that tears and bribery don't work this might never happen.
But wait for it I do.
Wait and worry.
Is anyone out there ‘doing it right’?
....as in blaming it on your husband?