This is probably one of those times when I should exercise good judgment and think before I post.
So if you are not Italian….let me ask you something…..
WHY THE HELL do you pronounce Mozzerella ….Mootz-a-thell?
Who the hell TOLD you to do that?
And I don't mean to sound like a mootza-douche or anything but you know what? Even if you are Italian …unless you ...no....just stop showing off with the accent on Bru-che-TA.
You're from Queens pal.
Nobody is impressed by this.
You don't see me going around pronouncing Chanukah..like ….you know… that getting ready to hock a loogie sound first. Do ya?
But I could you know.
Speaking of rednecks….
I’d like to thank everyone for visiting the other day. Not that I think anyone will be back after that post but what I great day. Once in a Blogtime experience I tell ya!
And I’m still trying to clean up around here….
Ok, who left the stain on the couch?
And I’m probably the only one with a blog who is surprised when people come over and actually read my nonsense.
When I saw bloggers whom I’ve never met before going through my blog… as unbelievable and awesome as it was, it still felt like a hundred people rummaging through my underwear drawer.
And I had to fight the insane urge to follow close behind each one of them clutching the blog posts to my chest and frantically stammer things like "Um, those had holes when I bought them” or “I swear they came in that color’"
...or more likely ‘I was drunk when I wrote that’
See why I didn’t go to Blogher?
It's what happens when you put me in a room full of a hundred or so wonderful self-respecting bloggers.
I tell bad redneck jokes.
It’s just not safe for me to leave my four-blog walls.
Now fess up, who's bra was in the toilet?