I have a friend who is always making some kind of profound personal revelation or conclusion.
Revelation after revelation.
It’s like a re-run episode of the Bible or something every time I talk to her.
I swear, if they ever did a remake of that thing, she'd get a starring role.
Conclusion after conclusion.
And at this point, I don’t know if she’s conclusive or concussed.
Let’s just call her Concussa for the purpose of this post shall we?
So, Concussa and I have maintained a very distant friendship over the years- as we’ve have had more falling outs than a slippery diaphragm.
And I do my best to try to avoid any future confrontations and, make no mistake, scrambling out of control like a cat stuck in place on a hard wood floor is not beneath me.
Who doesn’t want to eliminate the level of their personal chaos if at all possible?
I have enough nuts in my cereal thank you.
But how do you divorce a long time friend who drives you to drink...more?
People get divorced amicably all the time.
Why not old, worn-out-not-good-for-either-one-of-us-anymore-it's not you it's me... blogblogblog...friendships?
What the hell’s so wrong with that?
But, try as I might, she won't let me. Stubborn Concussa that one.
So what do I do to compensate whenever I do speak to her?
Well, I just calmly answer with the word really after every new revelation.
It is much easier that way.
And truthfully, once I say the secret word Hello, she only lets me get one damn word in anyway.
(Just so you know, I really don't know where I'm going with this post but I can't stop..I think I have New Job Brain Syndrome)
So, to keep myself entertained….. In my head, I do the reallys in different voices.
I'm not that difficult to entertain.
“Hello?’’ damn blocked caller ID “Oh hey Concussa, how’s it going?”
“Well….....revelation, revelation, revelation......and so I decided that I am never going to put up with that crap again”
“Really?” – Scooby Doo
“Yeah, and I’ve also come to the conclusion that I have to.....conclusion, conclusion, conclusion...
and tell him to shove it!”
“Hmmm….Really?” – Randy Jackson
“It’s just not worth it and I’m better than that so from now on …revelation, revelation, revelation.....….and this time I mean it!”
“Sounds great Concussa…. Really”- Mr. Crabs
….This post could go on all day but who has the time?
It won’t ever be any different.
Any thoughts?
Reezy...I mean really, – George Jefferson
I’m open to any ideas.