Oh and let’s not forget Jake…like we ever could!
I don’t remember the last time that I was so taken in and all consumed by a series of books or characters. Unless you count that brief period of mourning when they killed off Catherine on the Beauty and the Beast T.V. series. And… if you can call six months brief.
Forbidden duel world love affair … secret underground city beneath the streets of New York.
Does sci-fi get any better?
I still can’t believe they off’d her. It was a very black time for me.
But low and behold…and looky here, sci-fi has done restored my faith once more!
And obsessed does not even begin to cover this one!
Not surprisingly, I have yet to meet anyone who has read these books that was like ‘uh yeah, they’re o.k.’ or ‘those books sucked yo’
These books breed addiction! Pure cult-like attraction for these out-of-this-world and every-world characters that will not be denied!
We’re not hurting anyone. There are no mass suicides. Nobody’s shaving any heads.
But in case you haven’t noticed, most boys don’t get it.
My husband by proxy will now reluctantly stand in for all the boys on this point:
“The Underworld now that was a movie” insert big cheesy chest puff here. “These vampires are nothing but a bunch of sappy ass wannabes. All’s I know is that if I don’t see someone’s head being chopped off in the first five minutes, the movie has to suck” now add loud snort to retarded chest puff “And what’s that vamp doing out during the day anyway?”
“There’s no direct sunlight or else he would sparkle” God, doesn’t he know anything?
“Well do they fly at least?”
“Kind of and Edward reads minds…except for Bella’s of course. And Alice sees the future and…”
“How weak! What do you guys get out of all this? What’s the big deal? It’s just a dumb movie!”
“Oh really? Exactly what time are the Yankees coming over to deliver your portion of their proceeds you screaming fan freak?”
Don’t worry guys; there was no bloodshed… this time. Although that would have blended in nicely with our theme don’t ya think? But I, like Edward, have restraint.
I have never been ready to love a movie more! And I am dying to see it!
Dying, Dying, Dying I say!
How about you bloggy sisters? Spill the blood! Let me hear it!
Before the movie. After the movie. Anytime! That’s what good obsession is for!!!
And for those not yet-bitten bloggy sisters…can I possibly sway you over to the obsessive side? Please!!! Please!!!!