I think I want to start a series of articles entitled “I’m Just Sayin'’”
I'm pretty sure I could get a lot of miles out of this one.
The thought arrived at my blog front door when I heard my Mother-in-Law telling my son that not saying "God Bless You" when someone sneezes is bad manners.
Bad manners?
Yeah, I’ve heard the ancient sneeze tale also but still never considered saying or not saying “Bless You” part of my manner repertoire.
Who cares if you sneeze?
I’m just sayin’
I don’t even care if you cough really-unless you were choking
And only then because I could finally practice that Heimlich I’ve seen so much about on posters.
So what would happen if the world stopped saying “Bless You” after a sneeze?
(cue lightening… flash of scary clowns optional)
Well you know I had to try it.
And so for one whole week whenever someone sneezed I said NOTHING.
That’s right. NOTHING!
Well you’d think I’d committed rabbit rape the way they all stared at me in my non-reflective silence.
While I waited for lightening to strike, and they waited for me to say “Bless You” I decided to burp without saying excuse me.
I figured I was on a roll.
(insert next mental check up date here)
WHAT?...NOTHING after a sneeze...
Oh my OdGay!
And did the world come to an end?
Did those little people under the stairs in Let's Scare Jessica To Death finally come and get me (because I always knew they would)
Nothing happened.
...So nobody sits with me at lunch anymore.
Screw them.
Assholes can't take a little experiment.
And don't think they'll be getting a gesundheit out of me either!
Bad manners or bad habbit?…you be the judge
Just sayin’
I feel a second series coming on very soon... (-: