When I was about ten years old I heard the term bleeding heart. I didn’t know what it meant other than some possible bad medical condition that went far beyond my young comprehension level.
As I grew up, this phrase was tossed at me… a lot.
Because I’m like that girl on The New Star Trek TV series (which is now the old New Star Trek TV series) who felt and took on every swirling emotion around her.
I’ve always found it hard to read or listen to sad stories.
The sadness attaches itself and becomes part of me and I can do nothing to stop it.
No amounts of ‘Just let it go’s’ can chase them away until my brain says uncle and gratefully releases the images.
I’m genetically and un-futuristically flawed.
Sue me.
I can remember every bad thing I’ve ever heard on the news and think of them years later when, clearly, they should have been erased by all the daily crap that goes on in my life.
You’d think anyway.
I don’t read the news and I stay away from child horror stories. Those suffocate me the worst.
As you know, most of the time, I can stamp out these images with laughter. Laughter at me, laughter with me…laughter at you…whatever it takes.
It is the best and only way….
For me anyway.
This week, my whole heart went out to a fellow blogger.
This week, I think we all wore her sadness.
And although I do a really good job in keeping my well-worn, emotional cape deep in the coat-check, sometimes it emerges all on its’ own.
Damn lazy Attendants.
Can’t help it. It’s as much a part of my own personal makeup as the laughter.
Daffy, I hope draping some of my random thoughts over your strong shoulders and deep sadness warms you just a little.
We all have you in our hearts.