'Oh My God….My mother would have…..'
'If that was my mother…'
I hear these phrases all of the time…and mostly from inside my own head!
It's funny…but I don’t remember my mother carrying around a loaded gun or a bullhorn.
I never had any broken bones or lacerations….a couple of loose screws maybe but no real harm. And I don’t ever recall a visit from the cops or Social Services.
Maybe I was drugged. Who knows?
To my recollection, no arrests were ever made and nobody was in the witness protection program.
Yet.... there was an absolute, unbreakable no-bull line in our house that we simply did not cross.
We just didn't dare.
And you know what? I think we grew up fine and dandy.
Most of my friends have voiced these same phrases over the years and they all seem to be healthy and all in one piece as well.
So what exactly crowned our mothers with this lofty and unshakable title of Mama Hard Ass?
Thinking back, I can’t pinpoint just one thing. But when something comes up now (like children wilding in public perhaps) I get a strong visual of a no-crap mother who would have gladly committed murder rather than let her child behave in such a way.
Is my memory faulty?
Am I forgetting something?
Were my screws knocked loose to erase all memory of abuse?
Was that the plan all along?
Then I wonder if I am doing all that I can to earn this prominent Mama Hard Ass title so that my son will shake his head in the future after viewing some real-life random episode of Kids Gone Wild while repeating the 'my mother would have…' phrase.
Damn right I am!!! (-:
How about you?