Like I didn’t have enough trouble remembering Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday all on their own, everywhere I turn there is Memoir Monday, Sticking something Tuesday and Wordless (a complete impossibility for me) Wednesday.
Now I have a confession…sorry, I know that is for Fridays but still…I can’t keep up and clearly, I must suck if I can’t take time on Thursdays to figure out why.
So now I’m stuck with Blame Someone Else Saturdays followed by Get-Some (if I’m lucky) Sundays …which leaves me no time…unless Sundays are quick…which usually are…
Oh wait…my husband has just demanded an official vote be taken to overthrow Memoir Monday and replace with the ever popular -Blow Job Monday.
Say it with me….
Never happen
I must organize my blogging priorities…..ugh!…sorry…hold on…
Okay, now he’s asking for Cook and Clean Something Tuesdays.
Are you kidding me?
Hello….trying to focus here...
What now?!….uh... excuse me?
He says he wants to know who he has to speak with to see if Wordless Wednesdays can be stretched out until Sunday.
I’ll have to get back to you guys…