I thank my lucky, second-generation Darren stars every night that no matter what happens in my life...
There will always be reality TV!!
Nothing makes me feel more normal than a good reality show.
And Reality TV can make me forget just about anything...
...well except for that time when I forgot that I had one tampon in and put another one in by mistake.
...Aaaaand since this information may or may not be relevant in a future sanity hearing we'll not speak of it again. K?
Now back to reality!
I’m writing a thank you letter as we speak to whoever put "Mobbed" on Fox.
I'm telling you my fantasy show has come to life!
Although in my fantasy, I’d be on roller skates.
Ahhhh....roller skating...
Disco lights.....
Couples only.....
Sorry, slipped into a memory coma for a moment.
Not even a mobb of giant, bug-eyed, green Sleestak could get this Eighties girl to jump her ass over the pillon into this era.
My memories are happy and in tact just where they are thank you very much.
In my mind..
Scary to think that uni-brows and big hair never really die in spirit.
HA! And that Magic Eraser thought it could kill anything!
So, in my dreams, I want to do Mobbed...on skates!
I’ve been trying to talk my husband into it since last week...
“Honey let’s go on that new show Mobbed!”
“Why the hell for?”
“So we can do a surprise dance number to one unsuspecting person and…well... surprise them!”
“Surprise them and who about what?”
“Um, I didn’t think that far ahead... I’m not sure but wouldn’t it be fun?!”
“...I’m stained with excitement.”
I swear, it's like he's begging me to be the center of my dartboard.
...like he needs to beg
Got a dream reality show?