How Many O’s in Moooooog?
There are six!
I know, I know sometimes we write five…sometimes we write…seven…. but after much questioning and doubt after each time I typed it, I finally just counted.
Don’t give me ten years to figure something out.
So the question of the day is…Have you met Mooooog35 of Mental Poo?
You’re kidding me right?
Well then, let me be the first person you thank today for passing you on to an online manic genius.
I’d take you all over and introduce you myself but I have nobody to bloggy sit.
Damn internet getting me all knocked up and crap.
But I can’t even stand for even one of my bloggy friends to miss out on him! I love you all way too much!
What does Moooooog35 stand for anyway?
I might have missed the whole making of Moooooog35 video. I don’t remember ever seeing it. But then again, I don’t remember Thursday so…
In my head, this is what his name stands for:
M – Midget man of steel (duh)
1st O – Oh mother of Jesus (not you moooooog), I can’t believe he just said that.
2nd O – OMG he just said it again!
3rd O – Okay, there’s that laughing wet spot again. Damn him!
4th O – Only he could get away with this
5th O – One visit is never enough -(that’s what she said)
6th O – Oh yeah, EZ Pass to Hell for laughing at his insanity
35 - Times he’s gotten away with written murder??? I don’t know and I think it has to be way more than that but go anyway.
I’m a little disappointed that HBO has not picked him up for some random thing or another (don’t worry, I have a letter out to them) but a more funny, insane and addictive blogger you will not find on this internet!
****This post was an unpaid, sexually or otherwise, message to all bloggers. Not responsible for any loss of eyesight, bowel functions, finger commenting dexterity or future/ pending lawsuits associated with said blogger…okay, so I might be a little responsible but I’m taking him down with me.
Okay. Now go and let me know whatcha think k? (-: