“So how do you know these blog people are real?” my girlfriend asks while flipping the TV channels.
“Real as in how? Like breathing real or word verification real?”
“What if they are lying?”
“Lying about what?”
“What if it’s a trap? You know like an internet scam.”
Mmmmkay. I’m sure every blogger out there wants my three dollars in the bank.
“There’s really no need to lie on a blog. That kind of defeats the whole purpose. They wouldn’t do that.”
“You’re talking about these people like they are real. What’s the matter with you?”
Other than the usual?
“They are real and they are friends.”
“I think you are getting a little carried away with this whole thing. You don’t know who you’re dealing with out there and it could be dangerous”
Is this the same girl who went back with a cheating boyfriend three times? What’s more dangerous than catching crabs?
“There’s really nothing to worry about but I’ll be careful. Don’t worry”
We both turned to look at the television determined to leave it at that.
A few seconds pass.
“Soooo….” She whispers while looking down and toying with the remote “Do they think you’re like…normal?”
“Hell No!” I laugh.
She giggled “And they still come visit you huh?”
“Yup. Just like you pal…just like you”
A good friend that blog-non-understander-hater. (-: