I want to bring back the name Maxine.
What do you guys think?
I think somehow it lost its luster in the whole Maxi-pad business.
If my baby making days weren’t three rhythm methods to the wind, I’d definitely throw that name into the hat for a girl.
Maybe I’ll even petition the new mothers-to-be to get their heads out of their Bella asses long enough to give good ‘ole I’m-not-just-your-mama’s-maxi-pad Maxine another chance.
Think about the alternative, seven years from now, teachers across America will stand up and say ‘Ok Bella, go sit next to Edward’ and ten million Bellas and twelve villion Edwards will all look around from their seats, scramble around frantically in circles, break out into a cold sweat and then eventually faint dead away in confusion.
The earth might actually shift in that one moment of supreme chaos.
Edward is still cool for a boy though. It is Edward after all….
… Evelyn, Myra, Lydia, Iris, Clare … Vivianne.... I love that name…give another name a chance will ya? Even an old one damn it.
I think some name recycling is due.
How about you?