So I’m driving to work the other day and some yokel on a motorcycle in front of me lifts up his left arm, bends it and just holds it in place…
Power to the People?
Heil Hitler??
What the fu…I’ll run you right off the road you asshead mother fu…
Oh…. it’s a hand signal.
My rage is somewhat dissipated and lost in the wonderment that anyone still uses hand signals these days as I continue to watch the arm show.
A little down the road, he sticks his left arm straight out….and just keeps it there.
Okay, either start the Fosse routine pal or shut the hell up.
Finally the turn is made.
Sheesh….all this anticipation for a measly left turn.
Imagine if he had to scratch his ass too?
Then comes the red light….
Now I’m all disappointed that he’s not giving me full on jazz hands while waiting for the light to turn green.
Oh wait….here’s something….
His left hand is waving erratically…
Is he having a seizer or something? It’s been a while since I spoke this language.
I’m a little rusty.
Wow, look at that left hand go.
This guy’s a real hand talker.
Oh…wait...I get it now; he’s waving me to go ahead of him.
I might get to work on time yet.
So I roll up slowly ahead because I always have to see the person who causes me aggravation…It’s not enough that I get to pass him; I have to give them the evil eye first.
It’s in the Road-Rage hand book in case you didn’t know.
So I look over and what do I see?
The cutest little grandma wearing a Harley helmet!
Awwwww how cute, she’s driving motorcycle!!
The guy behind me beeps and screams for me to hurry the hell up.
I turn and give him the finger.
Take that Mr.Turd Signal!
Hey, this hand stuff really works!
I wonder why did we ever stopped?