You will all be glad to know that my fear of change in starting a new job this week was quickly replaced with an even bigger fear.
Bigger than me, bigger than all of us!
bp oil spill?
Uh uh.
Global Warming?
It was the fear of being labeled as the girl who had to use the whole can of Lysol in the smelly bathroom at 8:00 am.
I was set up I tell you!
The girl who came out before I went in even smirked a little knowing that I would take the blame.
Well, that’s one for my new Bitch List.
Somebody had to be first right?
Anyway, I had to go in.
Couldn’t turn back.
Couldn’t let out a big “GOD IT SURE STINKS IN HERE DOESN'T IT?!” before going in so that nobody would get the wrong idea.
It was my first day after all.
But I don't want to be known as Mrs. Crap Alot!
Not even on my second day.
So, still holding my breath, I came out with at least 15 less brain cells than when I went in.
Lysol kills more than germs man.
And ran to blog flush it here.
I feel much better now thank you.
Or maybe I'm just still high on Lysol fumes.
.... not bad.
In any case, my good smelling name is finally in the clear....here at least.
Sorry, it’s how I process.
Ever been falsely accused of crap?