I received an email the other day from someone who had some blogging questions and had it been a phone call, I’d have thought she had the wrong number but there it was in my very own inbox.
I felt bad because I had no real answers to give her and when she asked me some technical questions, well… I was even less help. But then she asked what kind of posts she could write in order to get more traffic to her site…. and that’s when it hit her…
Coming to me was a complete waste of time.
Because I felt it was the truth, I told her that what each blogger posts is a very personal thing. Something that only she could decide.
She never wrote me back and I can’t say that I blame her but feeling completely useless does not sit well with me so I wanted to redeem myself in some way and maybe give a hand as I remember so many of these questions when I first started blogging – and mainly because I am still searching for the answers myself.
I'm not big on blog or any other kind of advice-because what the hell do I know- but the conversation reminded me of one of the first posts I'd ever written almost a year ago.
I'm dusting it off the blog shelf and posting it here in hopes that it reaches the right spot.
And who knows, she might even write me back one day (-:
What would you guys have said?
If a Blog Posts In the Forest Does it Still Make an Impact?
Ahem…Testing…Testing…1 2 3, is this thing on?
Since I have become addicted to Blogging, I haven’t given that much thought as to who (if anyone) was reading my blogs or what (if at all) kind of impact my words would actually have in the dense forest of so many wonderful and highly talented bloggers.
Would I even be noticed?
Would anyone read a word of what I’ve written?
Who knows? Not who cares…let’s not get crazy. But who really knows?
I have been so all consumed with the creation of each and every blog post that burns to get out of me that I haven’t looked back much. Once I am finished with one post, I am just itching to get on to the next.
So if I write a blog and nobody reads it and it doesn’t change the world, what’s the point right?
My blog posts admittedly will never change the world but I have to say that they have certainly changed me.
Reading blogs have also been mind altering. I have read many a blog and though I might not have commented on all of them, they definitely did and continue to enlighten, educate, amuse and comfort me in ways that I wouldn't have ever imagined.
Once your words are out there, who knows who they will touch?
You may never know or…. you could be rewarded with some lengthy detailed comments below your posts that acknowledge and validate all of your efforts. That would be the ultimate topping on a true heart-felt blog post.
In either case, if blogging moves you, it is enough. If having a platform for your passionate thoughts and ideas is giving you a secret thrill….believe me, you will move others. Passion gets around.
It’s the real deal.
Well, here’s hoping that all of us Still Waters continue to produce stirring internal and external blog waves!
Surfed or not (-: