I personally don't like the term Newbie. In fact, I hate it.
We are all new at some point; new to a town, new to a club, new to a website, new to an experience. But why would anyone voluntarily thrust this Newbie label upon themselves by way of an apologetic introduction? I don't remember anyone ever introducing themselves to me as a Newbie mother or a Newbie wife. I have heard people introduce themselves as an alcoholic...but that is another story (not mine).
At what point do you shed the Newbie label? Is there a ceremony? Is there a graduation term when you actually feel that you are no longer a Newbie? Is there a Becoming of Do-bie Celebration that I'm not aware of? Should I be shopping for an outfit?
The thing is, you probably are already a Dobie but might be afraid to come out as one. You apologize by Newbieizing yourself so that should you (heaven forbid) not be perfect in any way, you will be comforted by the collective sigh of understanding for all of your unknowing flaws. Ahh...she's a Newbie that's o.k.
Why even label yourself in the first place?
I guess that my hatred for the "N" word might have come from a story I saw once on the news a long time ago. It was about a senior citizen who had always dreamed of becoming a dancer. She said she just wanted to be able to say "I am a Dancer" before she died. Never once did she take a dance lesson or pursue this dream throughout her long life. But then, in her seventies, she went to her local dance studio and signed up for basic ballroom dancing lessons.
The local interest camera man followed her around the studio for a few days and during that time, he captured an exhilarated and lovely woman twirling and dancing enthusiastically to her own pace. When the camera man zoomed in for the final shot, her flushed and happy face broke into a wide grin and stated "My name is Jana and I am a dancer". I almost cried (Well I cry at game shows but still).
She was a dancer! She didn't say she was a Newbie dancer. She didn't even make the statement dripping in apology sauce. Nor did she mention the novice word once. She was a dancer.
Because she was dancing!
Because she was Doing!
From that moment on, I have always felt that if you Do....you are! If you talk about what you want to do....well then, I guess that you are just talking about what you want to do. That's not even being a Newbie. That's being a Wanna-be.
Usually, most people join groups because something draws them to it. Could be a dormant passion or possibly an unknown passion that triggers something deep inside of them. You know it's real when you are absolutely burning on fire to get whatever it is started. When you won't or can't stop until you are finally in motion or working towards its completion. Wherever you join, you are there for a reason. And you know it! Or you wouldn't have joined in the first place. Right? Don't hide behind that Newbie title!
Don't be afraid to shoot yourself out of the cannon at full force! Ready. Aim. Fire!
Introduce yourself. Not a label.
Now who wants to start the Happy Do-bie Dance?
I love this post! I hate the term newbie also...in fact I'm admin in a moms group and we have completley banned that word from being uttered in our group. Such silly nonsense..newbie.
Great blog and great topics!
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