Part of the whole marriage fifty/fifty-give-and-take thing is listening to his bring-home-work-crap as much as he has to listen to mine.
Listening to my husband’s latest work story…I think that I do my part very well...
“So he told him ‘I’m a man of my words and I will do what I say I’m going to do’ and then you’ll never believe what…”
“It's word “
“It’s a man of my word not man of my words”
“Okay, anyway, so he gets up and says ‘anyone who listens to these old wise tales is bound to get caught up in…”
“Wives’ tales”
“It’s old wives tales not wise tales. Not surprising he hasn’t gone far in that company talking like that. You know the way you speak is just as important as how you dress. It’s all how you present yourself. Studies have shown that if you’d just take the time to….”
“word/wise who cares! Would you please just focus on what I’m saying?”
“I am focused”
It’s wives’
“So anyway, when everyone heard that he was…”
“Does his wife know that he talks like that?”
“Would you stop doing that? Pay attention to what I’m saying!”
“Sure, sure, sorry”
Should I call and tell her?
“She is married to him. I would imagine she has heard him speak. Who knows, she probably even listens when he does”
“Well I should hope so for his sake. You know the other day I saw her at the store and she looked a little…hey! Where are you going? You haven’t finished your story!”
Yeah, I know, men are really not big talkers.
My husband despises when I interrupt him. I've missed out on so many good stories because of myself!
Funny! I wish my husband would walk away. My husband is such a big talker. So much a talker that I pretend to listen at times. He's starting to catch on to me though.
I just read your husband's parts of this post.
Why..did you say something?
Teeeheee....could've taken place in my house :O)
I finally stopped correcting him. I just fume instead. It's not like he ever made the changes anyway...probably just to piss me off...OR when I would say "it's pronounced this way" he would insist he was saying it correctly.
sometimes its so hard to bite your lip when they're talking...you just have to grin and bear it..or should "he" say grin and ban it..LOL
I'm usually the one being interrupted for corrections. YIKES!
And the winner of the good wife listener award goes to....obviously not me(-:
hahahahha! i love it...
THis was hysterical!! So funny! My husband hates it when I interupt him too! He will just with hold the rest of the story!
Sadly, I talk like your husband's coworker. It would be even worse if spell check was involved.
So hard to silence the inner editor, huh?
I definitely did that with my ex.
He never did that, but then, he also didn't hear one word I ever said...
LOL! Ah, yes... That whole sharing and compromise thing. Yet another reason why I'm single.
I have to stop myself from correcting people's speech every time I talk to someone. I have to try SO HARD. haha
As a writer and (former) editor, my husband panics at the thought of sending me e-mails because he knows exactly what I'm doing as I'm reading them: editing, not focusing on what he's saying!
Of course, he SAYS a lot of things incorrectly, too, and I manage ... sometimes ... to keep my mouth shut. (Although I often share a giggle with my daughter afterwards if she was in the room and heard the same idiocy. She's following in her mom's shoes, that's for sure!)
I used to correct my husband when he talked. I picked apart his grammar whenever we got into a fight and I was losing. We're divorced now.
Until I saw it written I always wondered why a wife's ass had anything to do with anything. I'm a man of my word, too. The wife or boss says do something and I say, "Okay!"
Well there are old wise tales out there.
In my house it is quite the opposite. My husband corrects me every chance he gets.
Hey Jen,
Just added your button to my blog - you're awesome!
My husband also corrects me more than he should. Sometimes I think men should just talk even less than they already do. They get themselves into such trouble...check out this previous post I did on the stupid stuff Dan said to me when I was pregnant...
Jen :)
I have a lot of trouble sitting through my husband's work stories. He drags them out and then repeats himself several times before the torture is over. I really try, but eventually my attention span ends and I start to think about last night's episode of Ugly Betty or what I want to eat for dinner.
MWA HA HA HA HA! HBO baby.....weekly series. Every post is an episode!
Your name is Jen?
Funny you do this to your husband. -Mine- does it to me. :(
I need you to be by my side when I talk. I am Mrs. Malaprop. I make up proverbs as I go along. When I used the phrase "reach around" innocently in my conversation, my co-worker finally decided to step in for my own sake.
Men. Can't live with them. Can't shoot them" as my college roommate used to say.
I edit my husband's conversations too. It really pisses him off. He's happy to have me edit things he's written, though.
I do the same thing...but in my opinion, that's how you can be sure I'm listening!!! If I wasn't paying attention, I'd just be grunting. They should thank us.
Hilarious! I get to correct my hubby, but that is only because English is not his first language, he sometimes comes up with some hilarious things that totally crack me up!
Sounds like a focus conversation with my husband, except that he doesn't like to talk about work. He doesn't talk much in general. I wonder if he's still here. Very funny post. Thanks for stopping by Think Spin yesterday and commenting. I appreciate the follow. I am now a follower of your verbal adventures.
Ha,ha,ha! I totally do that to my hubs all the time--and I really don't mean to. After a bit, he'll cross his arms over his chest, arch his brow and say, "Uh...Can I FINISH?"
And where would a husband be without the input of his lovely wife...just doin' your job! Love it! Found you through Noelle.
LOL, I do the same thing to my Hubs. He gets furious with me when I correct him on grammar, etc., but I can't help myself.
Hmmmm, maybe this is why I am still single.
That sounds familiar.
My husband says "You are interrupting me." Now, I have been raising my hand when I want to say something while we are having a conversation. (I think he finds that more irritating.)
Funny! My mother tends to correct our sayings and grammar - she used to be an English teacher. The thing that ALWAYS gets me is "am I going to LIE down or LAY down." I never get it right and she always lets me know. Sigh. I'm going to go lay/lie down.
I can never stop from correcting people when they mispronounce words or misquote. I'm a pain in the ass about that, that and a lot of other things too!
I'm so bad at interrupting for corrections - I interrupt both him and me!
Oh, let the man speak! ;)
I'd love my Husband to tell me work stories. His usually consist of "Work was ok. Someone pissed me off" Me: "What did you do?" His reply "you know...stuff".
I never get cool stories and I'm sure there must be loads if I know my husband at all....
Also I am always correcting people. especially when words are used incorrectly. argh!
My husband doesn't talk. If there is any talking going on it's me doing a monologue. Fun stuff.
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