“I’m worried” I whispered to my husband in the kitchen while our visiting friends were sitting out of earshot in our living room.
“What now?” He half-cared asked
“What if she takes it the wrong way?”
“Who takes what the wrong way?”
“You know what I just said”
“What did you say?”
Blowing the hair out of my face in aggravation because he, once again, can’t read my mind, I whisper-shriek “I said that I was worried about her”
“So? What’s so wrong about that?”
“I said that I was worried about how she worried so much!”
“Should I call 911?”
“Shut up! I’m serious, you know how she worries”
“So why the hell did you bring it up then?”
“Ughhh!! Because I’m worried!!!”
“So let me get this straight, if at all humanly possible, you are worried because she is worried that you are worried because she’s worried?”
“EXACTLY!” Sheesh..Finally! “So what should I do?”
After several rib jabs to indicate that I indeed was waiting for some kind of response he says-
“I vote for drinking. Sobriety’s not for everyone you know” He handed me a beer “Please, think of the children”
Booze, Boobs and Baseball. A guy’s life is so mentally uncluttered isn’t it?
Ok Now Im worried...about you worrying about him...have a beer, and accept the fact that men ARE limited...but they have their good points too...at least he cares about the kids...besides we have our own B's...Blogs, Bags and BFF's....I hope your friend's OK..
Damn ovaries....
Sobriety is not for everybody!!!! I like him! Am I on your sh&* list for saying that? I like you better. (How did I do?)
This is my husband's response to EVERYTHING, "They're fiiiiine." I could say the kids pants are on fire from all their lying and he'd be sitting there, yes, with a beer in his hand, saying, "They're fiiiine."
He has no feelings and he hates movies about feelings or talking about feelings. It's the penis brain.
Men don't have much worry-capacity in their brains. Sometimes I think that would be nice.
Is it too early for a beer?
haha (I can't think of anything funny or clever to say)
Really cute, funny, fun.
If I ever hear "fine" from my husband - he gets the look. A Major Look. I HATE that word. Such a cop out. Men need to up their skills, I swear to God.
Pass the booze and the barbiturates! There goes all of my worries.
I’ve got a lil’ something for you at my place:)
How come we got the worry gene and they didn't? Or was it passed over to us along with that rib back in them Bible times? It's so bad that when hubby DOES get worried about something I completely freak out because he never worries so when he does that means it's FOR REAL AND THE WORLD IS COMING TO AN END! He also thinks I get hysterical too much, ha ha.
Sobriety is not for everyone. Your husband is adorable. And so are you. Loved this post! The quintessential conversation between a woman and a man.
Based on this little snippet, I can't help but wonder if your husband wasn't right. lol ;)
great Sobriety is not for everyone. this is just so damn cool a line infact i find it a bit cheesy will try it on some gal for sure
Men! They just don't get it!
YOU'VE SAID IT! The 3 B's!!!
I'm not ready to talk about alcohol yet. Shhh. Can you turn the lights and the radio down a little please?
hhhhmmm, Im worried. =)
Im worried that you werent drinking already.
My husband hates baseball....can we exchange that B word for bacon instead?
Dang. I'm worried I won't leave the right comment.
Hey, how many times does the word Worry show up on this page? That thought worries me!
My husband's listening abilities improves with each jab to the gut. I think his auditory switch is located there and the jabbing adjusts the volume.
Seriously - my husband cannot even keep up with a conversation. I have watched my 7 year old daughter completely lose him when she changes subjects too quickly! It's a guy thing.
Can I exchange the baseball for hockey? This was like reading a conversation with my wife.
Well as long as the two of you have all of the worrying handled, that kind of does leave the rest of us free to sit around drinking beer, doesn't it?
Keep the baseball, booze and boobs.
My husband is always telling me not to worry, don't stress, everything's fine... why can't men understand that women worry by nature? It's WHO we are!
Thanks for stopping by today! Your comment made me laugh!
Confessions From A Working Mom
What do men know about anything?! Clearly wine is more effective than beer!
Ha - LOL! I don't think the *other* gender will ever understand why we worry and don't just focus on the 3B's!!
They just don't get it, and that worries me. I have to agree that sobriety is not for everyone but wine is a much better choice than beer, less time in the powder room where you might be tempted to look in other people's medicine cabinets. Too much to worry about.
Sometimes drinking really does cure everything. I don't worry about a damn thing when I have a glass of wine in my hand!
Over from SITS..
Your husband sounds like a very patient guy! If not very bright.. KIDDING! Maybe I shouldn't kid on my first comment on a blog? Now I'm worried you won't like me. I think I need a beer...
bah! i am a worrier, so i relate to this. and men. yeesh. sometimes i think all their brains are filled with are boobs, games, tv, food.
"I vote for drinking. Sobriety’s not for everyone you know... Please, think of the children"
LOL. I think You have found your match in Mr. B!
OMG, I can not tell you how many times I have heard "should I call 0-11" buttheads.
Anyway, I have an award for you on my blog!
I know what you mean; things are much simpler for guys :)
"Think of the children" <-- Love it!
I'm a worried too... Shall we toast?
Your husband is a prophet.
"Think of the children" That's awesome. Although, I don't understand what his problem was, it seemed pretty straightforward to me. Men can be so complicated.
This is scary because I see nothing wrong with it.
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