Because my husband unknowingly willingly takes center stage in so many of my blog ramblings, I thought it would be nice to lay out our little love story… blog style.
Picture it: Mid 1980’s; Hair holding high with Stiff Stuff
About fifteen hairs short of a unibrow and both arms weighed down by seventeen-villion black Madonna rubber bracelets...
But enough about what my husband looked like….
Stop it.
You know it was me.
And unfortunately, so do I.
Pictures don’t lie even if I wanted to.
Be that as it may, he dated me any ‘ole way….for about a minute.
No sex. Nothing hot. Nothing heavy.
Damn it.
But it couldn’t be helped. Because in that brief moment, I remember my inner-self-protection-light blinking contstantly on red alert.
Warning me. Cautioning me …
Do not fall for him…don’t do it…don’t do it ….don’t do it….don’t do it…..
And so….
I didn’t.
Why the caution? Why the alarm? Who knows? But when fate chimes in your ear, it usually works best to listen to it.
Minute over.
Fast forward fifteen or so years later; through the head’s-up of a mutual friend, we meet again.
Happy to see each other with the true warm feeling you get when running into an old friend, we enthusiastically caught up on the decade plus missed.
And why not?
We just drifted apart after that minute and continued on.
Perhaps if sex was involved back then, it might not have been that friendly of a reunion.
Sex screws you sometimes.
But there was never a hard feeling between us.
Damn it.
Our future-moment began as friendly and lighthearted.
A few emails, a couple of games of pool until one day…
It all became more.
Magic comes when you least expect it. And can last as long as you believe.
It came on hard and fast with the power and sizzle of an electrical storm that seared my heart in a way that would make me want to willingly and uncharacteristically give up on my own wholeness and happily become but half of a whole from that point on.
And throughout the years, that magic has held strong with an emotional-glue that I still can’t explain and keeps clinging despite all the deep and unplanned crevices of marriage.
And it has lasted longer than I’d ever dreamed it would.
Over time, sizzling storms lovingly and softly melded into dream sharing and supportive hand holding accompanied by an ongoing celebration of a beautiful child created out of that love.
And now, a revised kind magic has slowly settled its’ way on back to us.
Not as electrically charged or shockingly bright as in the beginning, but a warm safe and secure buzz to be sure.
I could never explain the mystery of fate or the wise old magic that brought us together so many years ago and chose to reunite us again, but it has kept us spell- and determinedly- bound ever since.
Is anyone still there?.......
What? I can do sappy